- 用OPENGL实现的,可以用来实现定点的绘制.用VC环境加上OPENGL实现.非常方便实现逐点递归填充算法.-use OpenGL, which can be used for fixed point mapping. VC environment with OpenGL. Very convenient achieve filled bit recursive algorithm.
- 1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的
- A C++ program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a fixed point.
- Gaussian filtering in one, two or three dimensions is among the most commonly needed tasks in signal and image processing. Finite impulse response filters in the time domain with Gaussian masks are easy to implement in either floating or fixe
- 利用OPENGL实现点、线、圆、四边形、多边形等的定点和交互画法-Using OPENGL to achieve points, lines, circles, quadrilaterals, polygons and other fixed-point and interactive painting
- 总变分(TV) 图像复原模型的C语言源码. 使用C语言与Matlab 混合编程. 主要计算由C语言完成. 图像的读, 输出由Matlab实现. 包含梯度下降流法, Chambolle对偶法, 交替半二次型算法 固定点线性迭代算法等.-Total Variation (TV) image restoration model of C language source code. Using the C language and Matlab mixed programming. Mainly c
- dsp优化精华,通过7个rgb转yuv小程序的优化过程,可以初步了解一下dsp程序优化的精髓,包括浮点转换、定点优化、程序级优化、指令集优化、内存优化、DMA优化、数据拼合终极优化-dsp optimize essence, through turn seven rgb yuv small program optimization process can be a preliminary understanding of the essence of the dsp program optimi
- 小波变换具有良好的时—频局部性,是分析奇异信号的重要方法定点DSP在工程中的厘用士分背通,具实现小波变换可以满足工程是实时性的要求文中简要介绍了小波变换理论及算法,并结合TI公司的16位定点说明算法的实现。 -Wavelet transform has a good time- frequency localization, is to analyze the singular signal an important means of fixed-point DSP in engineeri
- VC6.0实现多边形裁剪。单击左键记录目标多边形,右键记录多边形定点,双击右键闭合多边形。再左键记录裁剪多边形,右键记录多边形定点,双击右键闭合多边形。实现裁剪。-VC6.0 achieve polygon clipping. Click the left records the target polygon, right-record fixed-point polygon, double-click the right-closed polygon. Polygon Clipping rec
- 本解码器类支持普通jpeg文件格式,这也是目前大多数jpeg文件所采用的格式,此格式主要特点是数据精度为8位,采用Huffman编码的普通DCT帧(不支持扩展串行和递进模式及数学编码)。本解码器类的IDCT算法采用三种模式,分别是浮点解码、定点整数解码和定点整数MMX优化解码,您可根据具体情况选择。-The decoder supports the general category jpeg file format, which is most used in jpeg file format
- 基于实数的二进制表示法,把CDF(Cohen,Daubechies and Feauveau)9/7双正交小波基的提升系数化为二进制,采用简单的移位一加操作代替结构复杂的浮点乘法器,从而实现了JPEG2000中9/7离散小波变换的定点计算.相对于浮点计算法,移位一加操作最大的优点是计算简单,特别易于超大规模集成电路实现,因而使硬件实时处理图像信号成为可能.实验仿真结果表明:在低压缩比的情况下,用移位一加操作重构的图像,其峰值信噪比(PSNR)只比浮点法低0.10 dB,当压缩比增大时,其PSNR
- program to create a house like figure and rotate it about a given fixed point using openGL functions-program to create a house like figure and rotate it about a given fixed point using openGL functions
- 画一条通过固定点的曲线。用二次循环来实现点的变化-Draw a curve through a fixed point. With the second cycle to achieve the changes in point
- TMS320DM642 通常用在图形图像处理 以及和ARM通讯平台中-Vidoe/Imaging fixed-point Digital Signal Processor
- 在屏幕上任意绘制一个多边形,在计算机内将其表示为一个以此多边形为底面的正n边棱柱(指定高度),棱柱的各面具有不同的颜色。 用Z-Buffer算法做面消隐; 允许以棱柱中心为固定点,通过输入x, y, z方向的转动角度实现任意角度的旋转(或通过鼠标操作实现任意角度的旋转) ; 投影方式:正平行投影,并假设物体始终在裁剪空间内;-On the screen draw an arbitrary polygon, within the computer as a polygon of its
- fast fixed-point algorithm -The FastICA package is a free (GPL) MATLAB program that implements the fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis and projection pursuit. It features an easy-to-use graphical user interface, and a comput
- 二维32位定点傅里叶变换,精度很高哦,附有测试图片,需安装opencv-32-bit fixed-point two-dimensional Fourier transform, high precision Oh, with test images, the need to install opencv
- 摆线是数学中众多的迷人曲线之一.它是这样定义的:一个圆沿一直线缓慢地滚动,则圆上一固定点所经过的轨迹称为摆线-Cycloid is a curve in mathematics, one of the many charming. It is defined as: a circle rolling along a straight line slowly, then the circle of a fixed point through which the track is called cy
- 双不动点差分方程的模拟,给出分形域边界。两吸引子地位相等。-Pairs of fixed-point difference equation analog, given the fractal domain boundaries. Two attractors are equal.
- 用openGL 库实现的定点画圆程序,C语言实现-Implemented using fixed-point circle openGL library program, C language