- 多小波的C++实现程序包,需要用GCC 3.3编译,如果大家感觉不错,不妨鼓励一下。-Multiwavelet C realization package, needs GCC 3.3 compiler, if you feel good, it may give some encouragement.
- 开源GIS代码,所用语言:C,编译器gcc.-GIS open source code, the language used : C compiler gcc.
- LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++ for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to solve mathematical problems, many image processing algorithms, some classification tools and much more... -LT
- purpose library and test program that provides some very simple primitives to produce EPS (postscr ipt) files compile gcc -DTEST -g -o epsplot epsplot.c -lm (to produce test program) -purpose library and test program that 577 ides some ve
- purpose converts raw YUV (4:2:2) image to PPM image, can handle frame offset compile gcc -g -o yuvmstoppm yuvmstoppm.c -lppm -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose converts raw YUV (,4 : 2) PPM image to image, can handle frame offset compile gcc-g-o yuvms
- purpose applies median filter to gray-scale PGM image compile gcc -g -o median_pgm median_pgm.c -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose median filter applies to gray - Chongqing le PGM image compile gcc-g-o median median_pgm _pgm.c - lpgm - lpbm - lm
- purpose computes histogram and some statistical measures (min, max, ...) for a list of values (one per line) compile gcc -g -o analyze_values analyze_values.c -lm -purpose computes histogram and some stati stical measures (min, max, ...) for
- purpose converts YUV components stored in separate files to PPM image, can handle frame offset compile gcc -g -o yuvsplitextract yuvsplitextract.c -lppm -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose converts YUV components stored in PPM files to separate image,
- purpose computes PSNR between two raw YUV images compile gcc -g -o cmp_yuv cmp_yuv.c -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose computes PSNR between two raw YUV i mages compile gcc-g-o cmp_yuv cmp_yuv.c - lpgm - lpbm - lm
- purpose simulates embedding and detection of watermark in random noise using QIM (quantization index modulation), uses non-linear scaling compile gcc -g -o nlqim nlqim.c -lm -purpose simulates embedding and detectio n of watermark in rand
- purpose merges two PGM gray-scale images, the first will be in the upper-left half, the second one in the lower-right half compile gcc -g -o diagonal_merge diagonal_merge.c -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose merges two PGM gray-scale images. the fi
- purpose applies mean filter to gray-scale PGM image compile gcc -g -o mean_pgm mean_pgm.c -lpgm -lpbm -lm -purpose mean filter applies to gray-scale PGM image compile gcc-g-o mean_pgm mean_pgm.c - lpgm - lpbm - lm
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 4. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. Input: 3n integer coordinates for the points. Output: the 3D convex hull,
- Mink Convolve This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 8. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. Compile: gcc -o mink mink.c (or simply: make)
- 样条曲线的算法C++代码实现,包含三个文件spline.cpp/spline.h/spline_prb.cpp,其中sline_prb为测试程序。此库中包含常见的多项式样条、hemitt样条、B样条等八种样条算法。devc++/vc/gcc下均通过,Spline curve algorithm C++ Code, including the three documents spline.cpp/spline.h/spline_prb.cpp, which sline_prb for the te
- LTI库是一个面向对象的计算机视觉库写在C++视窗/余-VC++和Linux的/gcc.它提供了很多功能来解决数学问题、图像处理算法很多,有些工具和分类得多-LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++ for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to solve mathematical problems, m
- 基于注意力机制,实现彩色图像显著区域提取.源于Dirk B. Walther-The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scr ipts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus
- Draw a hipotrochoida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cmd: gcc curveHipotrochoida.cpp -o curveHipotrochoida -lalleg-Draw a hipotrochoida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro
- opengl for a robot program extract and compile in linux compile with gcc -lm -lglut -lGL -lGLU jmor.c
- rotation and revolution of earth around sun done with glutwiresphere function extract and compile gcc -lm -lglut -lGL -GLU sunandmoon.c