- 使用opencv进行Log-Polar极坐标变换-Using opencv for Log-Polar Polar transformation
- 基于LOG算子的亚象素精度灰度图检测,图像滤波,降分辨率等算法的VC实现-LOG-based operator of the sub-pixel grayscale accuracy of detection, image filtering, such as lower-resolution algorithm to achieve the VC
- 基于opencv进行编写的多尺度Log特征区域求取方法,其中还包括灰度图像膨胀的程序(多尺度Log也用到)。代码简单易懂,可结合相关资料进行分析。-Opencv be prepared based on the multi-scale characteristics of the region to strike a Log method, which also includes the expansion of gray-scale image of the program (also use
- 图像的LOG变换例子,在很多需要图像增强的场合可以使用,开发环境VC+OPENCV-LOG transform the image example, in many occasions the need for image enhancement can be used to develop the environment VC+ OPENCV
- Log-polar transformation :The function emulates the human "foveal" vision and can be used for fast scale and rotation-invariant template matching, for object tracking etc.download and install opencv 1.1 pre
- 图像边缘检测 Canny,Sobel,Laplace,Roberts,Prewitt,Krisch,Log七种算法实现 MFC+Opencv+Visual Studio -Image Edge Detection Canny, Sobel, Laplace, Roberts, Prewitt, Krisch, Log seven kinds of algorithms to achieve MFC+Opencv+Visual Studio 11
- MFC + OpenCV 2.4 + Visual Studio 11 + OpenAL 1.1 7种算法实现(使用Canny,Sobel,Laplace,Roberts,Prewitt,Krisch,Log和SUSAN 8种算法实现)了-MFC+ OpenCV 2.4+ Visual Studio 11+ OpenAL 1.1 7 algorithms (using the Canny, Sobel, Laplace, Roberts, Prewitt, Krisch, Log and
- opencv环境下log检测子进行边缘提取,并与canny检测子和laplace检测子进行比较。-opencv environment, log detection for edge extraction, and compared with the the canny detector and the Laplace detector
- 基于VS2005,结合OpenCV的图像增强,包括分段线性、对数非线性、直方图均衡化等图像处理,利于初学者学习,经验证,代码有效。-Based on VS2005, Enhancing images using the tool OpenCV. The algrithoms are piecewise linearity, log non-linearity, histgram equalization and so on.
- 基于opencv的use摄像头视频采集程序 1 基于opencv的两个摄像头数据采集 3 能激发你用代码做视频的冲动程序 6 图像反转(就是把黑的变白,白的变黑) 11 图像格式的转换 12 从摄像头或者AVI文件中得到视频流,对视频流进行边缘检测 13 采用Canny算子进行边缘检测 15 角点检测 18 图像的旋转加缩放(效果很拽,用地球做就像谷歌地球似的) 21 Log-Polar极坐标变换 22 对图像进行形态学操作(图像的开闭,腐蚀和膨胀运算)
- 该VC++ 程序是基于CUDA架构的LOG边缘检测程序,GPU加速,并且使用了opencv函数库-The program is based on VC++ CUDA architecture LOG edge detection procedures, GPU acceleration, and use the opencv library
- 自己写的基于c++和opencv的LOG算子实现程序,包含例图-Write your own LOG-based operator c++ and opencv of procedures, including cases of FIG.
- Log-Polar变换, 能把笛卡尔坐标系里面的旋转和尺度变换变为Log-Polar坐标系中的角度方向和log-r方向的平移(The Log-Polar transform can transform the rotation and scale transform in the Descartes coordinate system into the angular direction and the log-r direction translation in the Log-Polar c