- ym320240b 液晶屏驱动程序 FOR MEGA 16
- imx185 200万像素超低照度传感器的linux下驱动-The c soure code of imx185, sony sensor, 2 mega pixel.
- 文件列表:中国PM2 中国PM2.prj 中国PM2.sbn 中国PM2.sbx 中国PM2.shp 中国PM2.shx(Air pollution in mega cities in China: PM2.5 Air Quality Index (IAQI),2014-2016 each month(average))
Blank Banshee - MEGA - cover
- It is possible to compute the solution of the homogeneous equations, and the program clearly explains the process and principle of the Gauss elimination method, which helps the reader to understand the Gauss elimination method, so as to better carry
- 光子晶体态密度,非常好用,修改几个参数就可以拟合出想要的结果。(Photonic crystal density of states, very easy to use, you can modify several parameters fit the desired result.)