- OpenGL 是一个三维图形渲染的软件接口,并且得到了硬件加速的支持,用户可以方便地利用 OpenGL,创建出接近光线跟踪的高质量静止或动画的三维彩色图像.本代码的在VC环境下用openGL编制三维绘图简例,让读者快速入门-is an OpenGL 3D graphics rendering software interface, and a hardware-accelerated support, users can easily use OpenGL, creating close tra
- This program may crash your system or run poorly depending on your hardware. The program and code contained in this archive was scanned for virii and has passed all test before it was put online. If you use this code in project of your
- This program may crash your system or run poorly depending on your hardware. The program and code contained in this archive was scanned for virii and has passed all test before it was put online. If you use this code in project of your
- This program may crash your system or run poorly depending on your hardware. The program and code contained in this archive was scanned for virii and has passed all test before it was put online. If you use this code in project of your own
- This program may crash your system or run poorly depending on your hardware. The program and code contained in this archive was scanned for virii and has passed all test before it was put online. If you use this code in project of your
- 这是cad制图的课件,是大学教授讲课的资料,很好的资料-This is a cad drawing of the courseware, the university professors to give lectures to information, good information
- 这个是有关与或图相关的资料,这种方法目前国内做的比较少,还没有大量运用到实际中,不过它的开发价值是无可限量的-This is related or map-related data with this method is less present, do not yet make extensive use of the practice, but its value is immense development
- 正负法画圆:用MFC实现,先用鼠标确定起点和终点位置,再用鼠标任点一点来确定圆的形状。-Plus or minus method to draw circles: with MFC realization, first use the mouse to determine the start and finish position, and use the mouse to let some point to determine the round shape.
- 该文件夹包括代码及其对应的论文。其作用在于模拟人类视觉系统的生理特性--视觉注意机制,按照人眼观察外界的方式,检测视觉显著性物体和区域,并阐述了显著性区域的显著性密度和尺度之间的关系,可应用于生物视觉模拟、视觉目标检测、视觉目标跟踪、视觉智能监控,以及视觉生理学和视觉心理学等的研究中。-This document contains codes and the corresponding paper. The aim is to simulate a physiological character
- RGB转CMYK或CMYK转RGB等还有其他一些色空间的转换程序-RGB to CMYK or CMYK to RGB
- 稀疏表示和协同编码哪个对人脸识别起到了决定作用。在稀疏表示的人脸识别中,到底是因为稀疏表示的作用还是他们之间的协同编码起了作用。-Sparse Representation or Collaborative Representation: Which Helps Face Recognition ICCV2011
- 关于图像处理的亮度增减,图像处理里开始,适合初学者。-About the brightness of the increase or decrease the image processing, image processing begins, is suitable for beginners.
- 将24位或者32位真彩色位图转为8位灰度图-The 24-bit or 32-bit true color bitmap into eight grayscale
- 针对YUV420 或 YV12 图像数据实现对图片的缩放,算法为临近插值和线性插值-For YUV420 or YV12 image data to achieve the picture zoom, close interpolation algorithm and linear interpolation
- 使用c++显示jpg或者gif格式图片,内含一个按钮一个编辑框。-Use c++ display jpg or gif format images, an edit box containing a button.
- Performs AND-OR operation
- opengl:鼠标左键画点,右键根据点画出多边形并且判断多边形为凹多边形还是凸多边形。-opengl: left mouse button to draw points, right judgment in accordance with point draw polygons and polygon is concave or convex polygon polygon.
- 用c++写的一个将dicom格式的图片转化为JPG或者BMP的算法,对医学工作者有一定帮助-With c++ write a dicom format images will be converted to JPG or BMP algorithms for medical workers have some help
- 边界扩充和缩小,对图像处理时有时需要扩充边界前需要进行的操作。-Expand or shrink the image boundary
ORB an effcient alternative to SIFT or SURF
- 一种可以有效替代SIFT或者SURF的算法(ORB an effcient alternative to SIFT or SURF)