- A module that allows a programmer to display an iplImage at any point of time regardless of its depth or number of channels. The image is viewed in a separate thread in a separate window and supports channel-by-channel viewing and zooming.
复件 链码
- 对图像首先进行了边缘提取和细化,然后对细化了的图像通过链码来输出,是一个对图像编程人员非常实用的工具哦-the first images of edge extraction and refining, and then refined through images of the chain code to output, the image is a programmer very useful tool oh
- 图片显示程序的例子部分,结合功能强大的显示程序,可以将图形截面变的友好易操作,是程序员入门的经典实例-Photo shows some examples of procedures, combining powerful display program, we can change the graphics section friendly easy-to-use, entry programmer is a classic example of
- GML3规范的译本,方便大家的学习使用,特别是对于不喜欢英语的GIS编程人员。-GML3 standardized translation to facilitate the learning, especially for the English do not like GIS programmer.
- 一个把给定矩阵(图像)按ZigZag排序的算法,高级程序员编写,非常精炼,可供图像处理编程人员参考。-put to a fixed matrix (Image) by permutation sorting algorithm, senior programmer preparation, very refined image processing program for reference.
- The OpenGLR Graphics System Specification英文原版的基于Java的OpenGL开发手册,程序员专用收藏-The OpenGLR Graphics System Specification English original Java-based OpenGL development manual, the programmer exclusive collection
- 992年7月,SGI公司首次发布了作为三维图形编程接口的OpenGL。目前它已成为国际上通用的开放式三维图形标准。它被集成到Unix、Windows NT 4.0、Windows 98等窗口系统中。各种游戏加速卡、专用加速部件都能不同程度地提高OpenGL程序的运行性能。OpenGL是一个图形硬件的软件接口(\"GL\"即Graphics Library)。图形程序员可以利用它提供的接口函数设计高品质的三维彩色图像所需的对象和操作。-992, in July, SGI has announced
- USB-ASP烧写软件 很方便实用的一个下载软件,USB-ASP programmer software is a convenient and practical software download
- 利用opengl编程开发的俄罗斯方块游戏。,Use opengl programming development Tetris game.
- Coin3D库源代码,开源, 与Open Inverter兼容-Coin is an OpenGL based, retained mode 3D graphics rendering library. It is implemented in C++ and publicly released with the source code open for your perusal. The application programmer s interface (API) is fully com
- 计算几何必看经典之书,绝对经典,研究计算几何一定要看-Bowyer a programmer s geometr
- vega prime2.2入门程序,从vega prime的初始化到内存清除,完整的渲染程序,初级VP程序员必备。-vega prime2.2 entry procedures, from the initialization of the vega prime to the memory clear and complete rendering of the program, the primary VP programmer essential.
- 《学OpenGL编3D游戏》是编程系列丛书之一。是以一个完整的3D游戏编写过程,进行程序设计的知识、技术教学。 《学OpenGL编3D游戏》不同于传统的程序设计书籍,它重在游戏的实现方案。以一个完整的游戏为主线,用鱼骨方式讲解相关知识技术,力求可读性更好。 《学OpenGL编3D游戏》的教学辅助系统CAI由四大块组成: A、程序要点说明 B、程序编制演示 C、程序运行效果 D、源程序- Learning OpenGL made 3D game
- VC开发的 小型GIS 系统,提供给广大程序员。也希望与大家共享一些技术-VC development of small-scale GIS system available to the general programmer. Also hope to share with you some of the technical
- 电路图 里面有许多实用电路图 51编程器电路图 51单片机LED点阵电子显示屏的设计电路图 89C51单片机号音自动播放器的设计 单片机看门狗电路图 单片机控制的带语音报数功能的抢答器-There are many practical circuit diagram circuit diagram circuit diagram 51 of programmer 51 Single-chip LED dot matrix display design of electronic circu
- ObjectARX开发实例教程 以电子版发布此书的目的是提高国内CAD 开发者的普遍水平,让入门者更快地能够编写代码,让初级程序员更快达到中高级程序员的水平。为国内CAD 开发整体水平的提高, 我们愿意尽一份微薄之力。-ObjectARX development tutorial examples to publish the electronic version of this book is aimed at domestic CAD developers improve the g
- 中值滤波源码;希望对学习中值滤波的程序员有帮助;共同学习共同进步;-Median filter source wish to study median filter has to help the programmer common study common progress
- 指纹扫描程序,开发平台为Delphi,编译应该很容易,对开发指纹扫描工具的程序员来说 应该是一个很好的参考。-Fingerprint scanner, development platform for the Delphi, the compiler should be easy, on the development of fingerprint scanning instrument for the programmer should be a good reference.
- programmer for OpenGl
- 基于OpenGL开发,此源码演示了地质面三维显示功能,可作为相关程序员的参考。-OpenGL-based development, the source of three-dimensional presentation of the geological surface display can be used as a reference related to the programmer.