- 高斯混合模型是單一高斯機率密度函數的延伸,由於GMM 能夠平滑地近似任意形狀的密度分佈,因此近年來常被用在語音與語者辨識,得到不錯的效果。-Gaussian mixture model is a single Gaussian probability density function of the extension, as the GMM can approximate arbitrary smooth shape of the density distribution, it is ofte
- 关于高斯混合模型(GMM)的matlab源代码-是用于训练分类的不错的源代码-On the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) of the matlab source code- is used to train a good classification of the source code
- 是基于matlab的语者识别系统。包括了预处理,mfcc,和gmm算法匹配。-Matlab-based speaker recognition system. Including the pretreatment, mfcc, and gmm algorithm match.
- The fn will calculated subband energes as given in the att tech paper of ruhi sarikaya and others. the fn also calculates the DCT part. using this fn and other algo for pattern classification(VQ,GMM) speaker identification could be achived. the progr
- 基于GMM的说话人识别,搭建了一个说话人识别系统用于试验测试,验证了一些参数对性能 的影响,同时使用了多线程并行处理技术,以此缩短识别时间:并提出了一种放 大特征向量差距,变换特征向量在特征空间的分布来提升大容量语音库中说话人 识别率的方法。 -GMM-based speaker recognition, to build a speaker recognition system used for pilot testing to verify the performance i