- EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi movie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) images. Some features: 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supported by EasyBMP. At the present time,
- about draw.exe (source file draw7.f) 11/12/2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 作用: 读入m12,m13,e11等程序的网格数据,输出.eps格式的图片 (Windows下免费的.eps文件查看软件 http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) 用法: 1.程序运行时,首先出现提示
- 基于注意力机制,实现彩色图像显著区域提取.源于Dirk B. Walther-The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scr ipts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus
- arm系统linux环境下TE2440开发板ov9650 CMOS 摄像头驱动源码及测试程序,在触摸屏上得到实时的视频图像-arm the system linux environment TE2440 development board ov9650 CMOS camera driver source code and test procedures, the touch screen get real-time video image
- Bundler is a structure-from-motion system for unordered image collections (for instance, images from the Internet). Bundler takes a set of images, image features, and image matches as input, and produces a 3D reconstruction of the camera and (s
- Stellarium是一款开源的桌面星空软件,可在linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX平台上运行。它使用OpenGL对星空进行实时渲染,因此星空效果和你用肉眼,望远镜或者天文望远镜观察到的星空别无二致。 用户可以通过拖拽天空看到头顶上的星际。默认是实时显示,所以波斯的截图就不是夜间版了,夜间版比较有说服力的说。背景的图,就是下图可见的树木房屋之类都是可换的。 不过 Stellarium 貌似对字体有要求,也许是波斯换了语言后没有设置好,如图所见的本来应该显示星球名
- 本系统从摄像头实时采集视频并显示,相片拍照,预览与管理。本系统支持多平台多操作系统,对多种摄像头采集方法的支持,使用工厂模式进行封装,提供了统一的摄像头视频采集接口。本系统的Qt开发版本 Windows: Qt 4.4.3 linux: qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.1-The real-time acquisition system from the video camera and display, photos photos, previ
- 内部利用Python语言编写,使用QT Designer4.0 绘出界面,调用pyqt库进行信号与槽的连接,利用python的库计算时域512个点的数组的FFT并绘制时域频域图,512点可用python的集成软件ERIC生成,此程序推荐在linux环境下使用-Internal use Python language, using the QT Designer4.0 mapped interface, call pyqt library to connect signals and slots
- GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse, joystick and time. It is intended to be simple to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main
- linux下开源的C语言实时人脸识别系统源代码-linux, open source real-time face recognition system, C language source code
- When you start to program in OpenGL, you might need a decent Integrated Development Environ- ment (IDE). Being free, open-source and platform independent, Eclipse (http://www.eclipse. org/) is an excellent choice. Although officially a Java Devel
- linux PNG 包很多软件安装都依赖于它,非常重要的一个包,还有许多这些包,有时间再上传-linux PNG pack a lot of software installation depends on it, a very important package, there are many of these packages have time to upload
- 在行为识别中关于“space-time-interset-points” 感兴趣点的检测 里面包含各种兴趣点检测算法,需要在linux下运行。-In behavioral recognition on the " space-time-interset-points" ' point of interest detection' which contains a variety of interest point detection algorithm, you
- 基于opencv,在arm+linux上实现图像实时识别。在arm+linux上运行程序,把可乐,红牛,雪碧放在摄像头前,它就可以把这个物品时什么识别出来,并打印在摄像头采集的图像上!-Based on opencv, to achieve real-time image recognition on the arm+ linux. Running on arm+ linux program, Coke, Red Bull, Sprite in front of the camera, it c
- linux下opencv图像处理,边缘检测源码,实时采集-Opencv linux image processing, edge detection source, real-time acquisition
- 基于PCL库的图像实时识别,PCL(Point Cloud Library)是在吸收了前人点云相关研究基础上建立起来的大型跨平台开源C++编程库,它实现了大量点云相关的通用算法和高效数据结构,涉及到点云获取、滤波、分割、配准、检索、特征提取、识别、追踪、曲面重建、可视化等。支持多种操作系统平台,可在Windows、linux、Android、Mac OS X、部分嵌入式实时系统上运行-Image library based on real-time identification PCL, PCL
- Xenomai是linux内核的一个实时开发框架。它希望无缝地集成到linux环境中来给用户空间应用程序提供全面的,与接口无关的硬实时性能.xenomai2.6.0安装步骤-Xenomai is a real-time development framework for the linux kernel. It seamlessly integrated into the linux environment to the user space applications to provide co
- 在linux平台下完成对二维图像的特征点探测、抽取和匹配,利用RANSAC算法筛选剔除错误匹配点,显示AKAZE算法消耗时间和利用RANSAC算法后正确匹配率。 开发环境:linux+GCC(In the linux platform, the feature points detection, extraction and matching of two-dimensional images are completed. The RANSAC algorithm is used to elim
- CN24是一个完整的语义分割框架充分利用卷积网络。它支持多种平台(linux,MAC OS X和Windows)和库(OpenCL,英特尔,AMD aCML……)同时提供免费的参考实现的依赖。软件开发的计算机视觉组和在耶那大学。(CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework that makes full use of the convolution network. It supports a variety of platforms (