- 本代码建立高斯混合模型(高斯多模型)(GMM),将其用于计算机视觉领域的视频目标检测/视频监控/运动检测/运动目标检测/视频目标跟踪等相关应用中。-This code sets up Gaussian mixture model(Gaussion Mixture Model, GMM) with image sequences for the research and application field of computer vision, using GMM for visual objec
Yellow video detection 黄色视频检查
- 它通过肤色检测、运动检测和声音检测来检查一段视频是否是黄色视频。-It checks whether a video is yello through the skin detection and motion detection and noise test.
- 较简易的视频目标跟踪算法,有需要的朋友可参考-Than simple video target tracking algorithm, there is a need to refer to a friend
- 基于视频的运动目标检测,利用OpenCV实现-Video target for motion detection,Use OpenCV
- 基于vc++6.0+opencv的运动目标的检测与跟踪,包括一个小车视频,主要功能是在噪声、静止背景下实现运动目标的检测-Vc++6.0+ opencv-based moving target detection and tracking, including a car video, the main function is in the noise, static background detection of moving objects
- 智能交通监视系统中基于边缘的运动目标提取算法 本文的算法是基于C++和OPEN CV实现的,要运行此程序首先要安装这两个软件 由于本文在采集图像时用到的视频图像较大 ,要100多兆,所以演示程序采用另一个视频,以观其效果 本程序中采用视频序列的前四十帧的奇数帧提取出背景边缘,用参数backframes来控制,backframes/2 即是采用的帧数。 cedge_thresh1和cedge_thresh2来控制做背景检测是用到的CANNY算子的两个阈值。
- 本程序可以进行视频的动态提取背景,使用的是高斯模型使用前请配置好opencv环境。希望对大家学习人脸检测有所帮助-This procedure can extract the dynamic video background, using a Gaussian model configured before use opencv environment. We would like to learn helpful Face Detection ...
- Research on Video Caption Detection and Extraction. The automatic video annotation is a key module of the video indexing and retrieval system,and the extraction and location of captions are important steps for video annotation.An automatic extraction
- 视频帧分析源码,用于车辆检测及车牌识别,采用背景差分法-Analysis of source video frame for vehicle license plate detection and identification, using the background difference method
- 这是用MATLAB程序实现视频中运动的目标的跟踪检测,并附有一个小视频-This is a MATLAB program using the video tracking movement detection, with a small video
- 正交相关目标检测,采用正交相关方法检测指定目标在图像中的位置。适用于计算机视觉中的视频目标检测、视觉目标检测、目标定位、视觉目标跟踪、视频目标跟踪、图像匹配、图像配准等工作。-cross relation detection is used to detect object in image for in the field computer vision such as visual object detection, motion detection, object localization
- 车辆视频检测,采用高斯背景更新方法,基于OPENCV的图像视频检测算法-Vehicle video detection, the Gaussian background updating method, based on video image detection algorithm OPENCV
- 一种改进的基于视频的车辆检测与识别方法An improved video-based vehicle detection and identification-An improved video-based vehicle detection and identification
- 基于OpenCV的视频道路车辆检测与跟踪-OpenCV-based video detection and tracking of road vehicles
- 对输入的图像或者视频进行人脸检测,例如检测的是一个人的照片那么程序运行结果则会对照片上的人的脸部圈划出来-Of the input image or video detection, such as testing a person' s photograph will then run the results on the person' s face on the photo circle marked out
- In this thesis we present an operational computer vision system for real-time detection and tracking of human motion. The system captures monocular video of a scene and identifies those moving objects which are characteristically human. This serves a
- 基于OpenCV的视频道路车辆检测与跟踪,包含程序,已调试通过-Based the OpenCV video road vehicle detection and tracking
- 使用opencv 载入AVI视频文件,读取每帧数据做视频检测运算。-The use of OpenCV load AVI video file, reads the data of each frame of video detection arithmetic to do.
- 视频目标检测,用于检测视频中的运动目标,主要应用于监控视频(Video object detection, which is used to detect moving objects in video, is mainly used to monitor video)