- wia摄像头抓图, 最近看了MSDN上的WIA模型(Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition )及网上的一点资料,弄过来与大家探讨。 按照微软的概念,WIA模型是Windows应用程序与数码相机扫描仪等设备进行通讯的一个接口,它也是基于COM的。-Recently read MSDN on the WIA Model (Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition) and the point information on the
- 1、演示了VBS中WIA对象操作vector的实例。2、演示了如何利用二位数组构造矩阵,进行切割4位数字类型的验证码,为进一步识别验证码做准备。-1, demonstrates the WIA VBS object manipulation vector instance. 2, demonstrates how to use the two-digit group structure matrix type cutting four digit verification code for fu
- wia demo ,wo can study goodw ia demo ,wo can study goodw ia demo ,wo can study good-wia demo ,wo can study goodwia demo ,wo can study goodwia demo ,wo can study goodwia demo ,wo can study good