Run 实现对车牌颜色进行识别和车牌区域的粗定位
- 代码能够实现对车牌颜色进行识别和车牌区域的粗定位,代码使用opencv实现的,算法的鲁棒性比较强!-code can be used for recognition of the color of the plate and coordinate the area of the plate.
- 利用Visual C++编写的Cohen_Sutherland直线裁剪算法演示程序,图形界面,可以拖拉画直线,裁剪窗口大小可以自由变换,也可以准确定位输入直线和点-The use of Visual C++ Prepared Cohen_Sutherland line clipping algorithm demo program, graphical interface, you can drag and drop drawing a straight line, cutting window
- 脆弱水印提取算法,与embed.rar中的嵌入算法相对应,可以提供较好的篡改定位-Fragile watermark extraction algorithm, and embed.rar correspond to the embedding algorithm can provide better tamper positioning
- 计算几何中使用梯形图的点定位算法实现,界面为win32-Use in computational geometry ladder point positioning algorithm
- harrlike算法实现人脸检测和定位方法,MATLAB环境,经测试,效果非常好-harrlike algorithm face detection and localization methods, MATLAB environment, tested, very good results
- 传统的边缘检测算法只能定位到像素级,不能得到精确的结果,亚像素是对像素进一步细分,是结果更精确-Traditional edge detection algorithm can only target the pixel level, you can not get an accurate result, the pixel sub-pixel is further broken down, as a result of more accurate