- 用Mapxtreme for java开发webgis,其中涉及地图服务器的多用户进程访问的问题,本程序提供了源码程序-with MapXtreme webgis for java development, which involves map server multi-user access to the process, the procedures provide a source programs
MapXtreme 47的完整例子
- Mapxtreme for java 是一个纯java语言开发的webgis平台软件,其涉及主要内容是Servlet,通过本例程可以对该地图发布平台有个入门了解-MapXtreme for java is a pure java language development webgis platform software, its main content is related Servlet, through the routines that can map publishing platfo
- 这是一个用java写的三角剖分程序源码,需要的可以看一看-This is a java was made with the source triangulation process, the need to look at the
- 这是一个JAVA编写的类,可用于查询Oracle Spatial的中的空间数据。-This is a JAVA prepared by category, Inquiries can be used to the Oracle Spatial the spatial data.
- ArcObjects is based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model. End users of ArcGIS applications don’t necessarily have to understand COM, but if you’re a developer intent on developing applications based on ArcObjects or extending the existing ArcG
MapXtreme for Java 3.x开发指南1
- MapXtreme for Java 3.x开发指南1-MapXtreme Java 3.x for the development of a Guide
- 一个很好的调用了GOOGLEMAP的API的示例程序,大家可以很好的学习,里面包含地图的显示,反向地理编码等源代码,对XCODE开发者有很大的借鉴意义。-The sample program calls the API of Google Map. We can learn a lot from this example, which contains the map display, reverse geocoding and so on. It will help the developer
- 一个很棒的基于java的开源GIS系统OpenMap(TM)。-OpenMap is a Java Beans based toolkit for building applications and applets needing geographic information. Using OpenMap components, youcan access data from legacy applications, in-place, in a distributed setting.
- mapxtreme基础教程,里面有很多有帮助的内容-MapXtreme Essentials, there are a lot of helpful content
- 主要讲述的是gis的模型结构,其中的有很多的实用价值-Gis are mainly described in the model structure, which has a lot of practical value
- deegree WEB-GIS平台,客户端有很好的例子,容易上手-deegree WEB-GIS platform, the client has a very good example, easy to use
- 本示例是利用MAPGIS-IMS平台搭建利用java语言来实现对武汉地图的各种基本操作,包括放大,缩小,刷新,复位,空间分析,地图裁剪,条件选择-This example is the use of MAPGIS-IMS platform using java language structures to achieve a variety of Wuhan map the basic operations, including Zoom, narrow, refresh, reset, spa
- 通过Java ADF开发和部署ArcGIS Server应用,很好的ArcGIS Server应用开发入门书籍-Java ADF through the development and deployment of ArcGIS Server applications, a very good Introduction to ArcGIS Server Application Development Books
- MAPGIS-IMS(Internet Map Server)是中地软件推出的新一代基于Internet 的分布式GIS解决方案。对于最终用户,它提供了一种更为快捷、廉价的方式以获取地理信息;对于高级用户,它还提供了更为丰富的管理工具来建立可缩放的、高效的站点。MAPGIS-IMS遵循GIS标准,采用分布式GIS软件技术,基于Internet网,采用多层体系结构和几种分布式对象技术的综合使用(CORBA,DCOM、JAVA)来为建立及发布地图信息提供了快捷的一体化解决方案。 本软件是mapg
- its a java based rdf api to read the contents of a web page for a search engine
- 读ArcView Shape 格式的Java源代码-Read ArcView Shape (Java)
- 基于java和arcengine实现的cs地图操作框架,能进行地图的基本操作,把源码解压缩后导入eclipe后直接运行com.sinosoft.dzyjzb.frame.DzyjApp.java即可,前提是运行所在机器必须安装了arcengine SDK和arcengine runtime-this is map manipulate frame project,which base on java and arcengine.through it,you can complete basic
- 一个基于Java的GIS旅游信息系统,其中包含源代码,文档,地图等。给大家做个参考。-A Java-based tourism information system GIS, which contains the source code, documentation, maps. For everyone to be a reference.
- java 开发gis 也就是用gisengine做第二次开发用到的一些库函数名和详细流程-gis java developer that is developing with gisengine a second name used in some of the library functions and detailed process
- 最简单的MapXtreme for Java的servlet例子-The simplest example of a servlet MapXtreme for Java