- adaboost人脸分割,通过adaboost方式,把人脸部的特征切割出来,方便用pca算法处理之类的。-adaboost face segmentation by adaboost way, the people cut out facial features, easy handling and the like pca algorithm used.
人脸识别 MATLAB代码
- 使用pca方法对图像进行特征提取,对训练集的20个人的共一百张人脸进行训练,使用adaboost算法生成强分类器,可以对测试集的人脸图片进行识别,且识别率较高(The PCA method is used to extract the features of the image, and the training is carried out for a total of 100 faces of 20 people in the training set. The AdaBoost algor