- 程序功能为将bmp彩色图片中的背景去除,留下图片的主要内容。该程序采用graph-based的图像分割算法,分割效果良好。 在命令行下通过传递参数运行:ESegment sigma k min input output 其中:ESegment为编译得到的程序名; sigma为平滑系数,一般取0.5~2之间的值; k一般取图片长、宽(像素)之间的值; min表示分割出的最小块的大小,取正整数即可 input为输入的bmp图片名 output为输出的bmp图片名-proc
- 用C++和OpenCV实现的图像方框的识别,并对方框进行标记,用红色的线标记出来。可以用于图像分割、定位等等。,Using C++ and OpenCV image box to achieve the recognition, and the box marked with a red line marked. Can be used for image segmentation, positioning and so on.
- 中点分割直线裁剪算法,从中间开始裁剪直线,使得直线分割 -The midpoint of straight line clipping algorithm, starting from the middle of cutting a straight line, making a straight line segmentation
- 此程序通过遗传算法(ga )实现灰度图像的分割,遗传算法的计算过程首先是将实际的优化问题编码成符合串,-This procedure through the genetic algorithm (ga) realize grayscale image segmentation, genetic algorithm calculation process is to first of all, the actual coding optimization problem into line wit
- 在图像分割中,利用Hough变换进行直线提取的matlab源程序。提取方法不同于一般的边缘检测算法。-In image segmentation using Hough transform for straight line extraction matlab source. Extraction method is different from the general edge detection algorithm.
- (转)vc 的 图像分割 命令行 格式: segment 0.5 300 50 17.ppm 17out.ppm-(Transgenic) vc the command-line format for image segmentation: segment 0.5 300 50 17.ppm 17out.ppm
- 边缘检测和图像分割matlab程序代码说明 P0401:用Prewitt算子检测图像的边缘 P0402:用不同σ值的LoG算子检测图像的边缘 P0403:用Canny算子检测图像的边缘 P0404:图像的阈值分割 P0405:用水线阈值法分割图像 P0406:对矩阵进行四叉树分解 P0407:将图像分为文字和非文字的两个类别 P0408:形态学梯度检测二值图像的边缘 P0409:形态学实例——从PCB图像中删除所有电流线,仅保留芯片对象 -Edge det
- 用水线阈值法分割图像 对矩阵进行四叉树分解 将图像分为文字和非文字的两个类别 形态学梯度检测二值图像的边缘-Water line image thresholding segmentation of matrix quadtree decomposition of the image into text and non-text for these two types of morphological gradient detected binary image of the edge
- 程序代码说明 P0401:用Prewitt算子检测图像的边缘 P0402:用不同σ值的LoG算子检测图像的边缘 P0403:用Canny算子检测图像的边缘 P0404:图像的阈值分割 P0405:用水线阈值法分割图像 P0406:对矩阵进行四叉树分解 P0407:将图像分为文字和非文字的两个类别 P0408:形态学梯度检测二值图像的边缘 P0409:形态学实例——从PCB图像中删除所有电流线,仅保留芯片对象
- 图像处理小程序基于分水线方法的图像分割方法-Applet image processing methods based on the dividing line of the image segmentation method
- 直线拟合算法,对图像分割,对目标进行直线拟合,确定目标多边形形状-Fitting a straight line algorithms, image segmentation, line fitting on the target, target polygon shapes
- 阿尔茨海默病目前在临床上的诊断标准就是判断是否发生了海马体积上变异,该病的程度与海马体积的萎缩量有着密切的关系。 分水岭算法最大的缺陷是过分割问题比较严重,利用分水线处能量值最小的理论,可以调整分水岭算法获得的轮廓,限制过分割。 -Alzheimer' s disease currently in clinical diagnostic criteria is to determine whether the mutation occurred on hippocampal vo
- 基于扫描线的带钢低对比度缺陷图像分割技术:本文提出了基于扫描线阀值分割的方法,解决了在采用梯度算子对图像进行预处理存在的漏检问题。-Strip based on scan line defects in low-contrast image segmentation: In this paper, the threshold based on scan line segmentation method to solve the gradient operator in the use of th
- 基于模糊c聚类经行图像分割,有区别于常态的canny等算子,值得研究-Based on fuzzy c-line image segmentation by clustering, there are so different from the normal of the canny operator, to be studied
- 模糊聚类分割主函数及demo,直接运行就行,当然要有图片,-Main functions and fuzzy clustering segmentation demo, run directly on the line, of course, have pictures, Oh
- matlab实现图像分割源代码,边缘的分割方法:检测图像点边缘,线边缘 区域的分割方法:阈值分割技术、区域生长技术、分水岭分割方法 -matlab image segmentation source code, the split method: edge detection image point edge, line edge region segmentation method: threshold segmentation, region growing technology,
- 本函数实现字符分割,输入为中值滤波后的二值图像,输出为字符分割线的列值。-This function character segmentation input binary image after median filtering, the output of the column values of the character segmentation line.
- 交互式的活动线分割算法,适用于医学图像分割,实时地显示分割线,可执行-Interactive activities line segmentation algorithm, is suitable for medical image segmentation, real-time display line, executable
- 该代码主要应用于图像处理中的图像分割,其目的是简化或改变图像的表示形式,使得图像更容易理解和分析。图像分割通常用于定位图像中的物体和边界(线,曲线等)。更精确的,图像分割是对图像中的每个像素加标签的一个过程,这一过程使得具有相同标签的像素具有某种共同视觉特性。-The code is mainly used in image processing in image segmentation, which aims to simplify or change the representation
- 1.掌握线检测 2.边缘检测 3.多种边缘检测器的比较 4.使用梯度的分水岭分割 5.控制标记符的分水岭分割-1. The master line detection 2. The edge detection 3. A variety of edge detector 4. Using the gradient of the watershed segmentation 5. Control marker watershed segmentation