- ITK的二维DICOM序列图像存为3D图像。-Convert two dimensional DICOM series image to three dimensional volume image by ITK.
- dicom文件的读取与三维重建(三次参数插值),然后进行旋转、投影、颜色变换进行三维空间上的观察-read dicom file and 3D reconstruction (three parameter interpolation), then rotate, projection, color transform on the observation of three-dimensional space
- 在VC++6.0集成开发环境下编程实现了MITK在医学图像分割、配准和三维可视化(体绘制).利用MITK读取五种图片格式:PEG,DICOM,BMP,TIFF.RAW。-In VC++6.0 integrated development environment programming the MITK in medical image segmentation, registration and three-dimensional visualization (volume rendering)
- DICOM图像处理和统计,包括在单个多个DICOM上获取感兴趣的图片片段,保存片段,并给出像素的统计结果等-EsmeProcess: The main program is functioning dicom operation with drawing/painting multiple Region Of Interest (ROI) on a given dicom image, saving/retrieving the results into/from the dicom heade
- 本程序可以从一定目录下搜索DICOM文件并构建3D图像,并且可以从3个维度显示图像。-The interactive viewer allows a user to select a folder with one set of dicom images. The viewer assembles the images in order and displays them as one 3D dataset. User can then scroll through and look at ax
- 本程序可以读取多种3D医疗图像文件格式其中包括, .v3d , .dcm, .gipl等。-This function ReadData3D allows the user to open medical 3D files. It supports the following formats : Dicom Files ( .dcm , .dicom ) V3D Philips Scanner ( .v3d ) GIPL Guys Image
- vtk 显示dicom 体数据的3D切片和体绘制-use vtk to draw dicom data s 3D slice and volume rendering