- LTI库是一个面向对象的计算机视觉库写在C++视窗/余-VC++和Linux的/gcc.它提供了很多功能来解决数学问题、图像处理算法很多,有些工具和分类得多-LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++ for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to solve mathematical problems, m
- 基于注意力机制,实现彩色图像显著区域提取.源于Dirk B. Walther-The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scr ipts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus
- 线性时不变化图书馆是一个面向对象的计算机视觉库在C + +编写的Windows /的MS - VC + +和Linux的/海湾合作委员会。它提供了很多功能来解决数学问题,许多图像处理算法,一些分类的工具-LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++ for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to solve m
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage is open source and licensed under the zlib license. In a nutshell, this means that you can use the code however you wish, as long as you
- PSF孔径测量方法C实现源码,通过GCC,Make编译;-The Aperture Method for Measuring PSFs
- 把二值bmp图像挂网或者直接转换成矢量线段,追踪生成G代码数据。代码是标准C语言,在windows下用GCC编译执行通过,其他支持标准C语言的编译器应该也没有问题。(The binary BMP image linked to the network or directly converted into vector lines, tracking the generation of code data.)
- 1、下载ffmpeg-4.2.3代码 2、配置(编译静态库) ./configure --target-os=linux --prefix=$(pwd)/temp --enable-cross-compile --arch=arm --cc=arm-hisiv300-linux-gcc --cross-prefix=arm-hisiv300-linux- --nm=arm-hisiv300-linux-nm --disable-shared --enable-static --ena