- 多姿态人脸数据库,可用于非理想条件下人脸识别中的姿态估计问题,包括63种不同姿态,人脸水平方向旋转角度从-60度到60度,角度间隔15度,竖直方向旋转角度为-60度,-30度,-15度,0度,15度,30度,60度。-face database including 63 different poses,can be used in pose estimation of face recognition under unsatisfied condition.
- 该人脸库包含30个人、每人10幅总共300幅光栅图像,每个人的10幅图像包括了朝正前方、朝左、朝右、朝上和朝下五种不同的视角 方向的情形,经典的多姿态人脸库 注意此文件为.ras格式,需要用ACDSEE打开,SUN光栅图片格式。-The face database contains 30 individuals, each 10 Total 300 raster images, 10 images of each person included toward the front, lef
- This paper investigates a new face recognition system based on an efficient design of classifier using SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) feature keypoint. This proposed system takes the advantage of SIFT feature which possess strong robust
- 提出了一种针对复杂环境下的过人脸检测方法,首先在CbCgCr空间利用直接最小二乘法构建了对光照和复杂背景鲁棒性更好肤色聚类模型,实现了准确的肤色检测;然后针对人脸中姿态和表情变化,提出了基于Adaboost的多姿态人脸检测,精确的实现了人脸检测定位。-Extraordinary face detection method for complex environments, the first space CbCgCr direct least squares meth
- 随机森林法估计人脸姿态。我们提出用于估计位置和一个人的头部的方向,从由一个低质量的设备获取的深度数据的系统。-Random Forest method to estimate the face pose,。We present a system for estimating location and orientation of a person s head, from depth data acquired by a low quality device.