- JOGL是在java环境下使用OpenGL的一种方式,这些代码来自Dr. Andrew Davison的Pro Java 6 3D Game Development一书,给出了在JOGL中使用OpenGL的两种编程框架。 Web Site for the book: http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jg2
- An opengl example of a planet with texture
- ejemplos de jogl en java, sistema solar
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUA
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 2: The second lesson deals with the production of geometric primitives with GLU and GLUT. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 3: The third lesson we learn about the lights.We treat different types of lights and how to generate one. Then we use this to our scene to light. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 4: The fourth lesson covers materials that we can use to spice up our scene. Different materials are presented and explained their use. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- jogl(java绑定opengl)源码,此文件包括opengl的直线、圆以及三角形篓垫算法,其中的直线和圆组成一个时钟。-jogl (java binding opengl) source, this document includes opengl linear, circular and triangular baskets, mats algorithm, which form a line and round the clock.
- JOGL 是 JAVA Bindings for OpenGL 的缩写,它允许用户通过API在JAVA中调用OpenGL函数,从而在JAVA中也能写出硬件支持的3D程序。 对于熟悉OpenGL的用户,Jogl非常容易上手,因为大部分语句和OpenGL是完全相同的。 -JOGL 是 JAVA Bindings for OpenGL 的缩写,它允许用户通过API在JAVA中调用OpenGL函数,从而在JAVA中也能写出硬件支持的3D程序。 对于熟悉OpenGL的用户,Jogl非常容
- Source Code OpenGL and Java (JOGL), for generate 3D maze (using DFS algorithm), and you can move a cursor in maze, using your mouse, to find a way out from maze.
- opengl demo source file for java and c-opengl demo source file for java and c++
- 创建一个OpenGL窗口: 在这个教程里,我将教你在Windows环境中创建OpenGL程序.它将显示一个空的OpenGL窗口,可以在窗口和全屏模式下切换,按ESC退出.它是我们以后应用程序的框架.-Port of the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial (Lesson 1) to Java using the Jogl interface to OpenGL.
- 在第一个教程的基础上,我们添加了一个三角形和一个四边形。也许你认为这很简单,但你已经迈出了一大步,要知道任何在OpenGL中绘制的模型都会被分解为这两种简单的图形。-Port of the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial (Lesson 2) to Java using the Jogl interface to OpenGL.
- 添加颜色: 作为第二课的扩展,我将叫你如何使用颜色。你将理解两种着色模式,在左图中,三角形用的是光滑着色,四边形用的是平面着色。 -Port of the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial (Lesson 3: Colors) to Java using the Jogl interface to OpenGL.
- 使用java语言中的jogl库,做出3D效果的会跳动的蘑菇-Witten by java, using jogl library.
- java和openGL,入门简单例子。主要是用jogl。想用opengl,但是想用java的人使用。-java and openGL, entry simple example. Mainly used jogl. Want to use opengl, but people who want to use java to use.
- 添加颜色:作为第二课的扩展,我将叫你如何使用颜色。你将理解两种着色模式,在左图中,三角形用的是光滑着色,四边形用的是平面着色。-Port of the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial (Lesson 3: Colors) to Java using the Jogl interface to OpenGL.