- Stellarium是一款开源的桌面星空软件,可在linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX平台上运行。它使用OpenGL对星空进行实时渲染,因此星空效果和你用肉眼,望远镜或者天文望远镜观察到的星空别无二致。 用户可以通过拖拽天空看到头顶上的星际。默认是实时显示,所以波斯的截图就不是夜间版了,夜间版比较有说服力的说。背景的图,就是下图可见的树木房屋之类都是可换的。 不过 Stellarium 貌似对字体有要求,也许是波斯换了语言后没有设置好,如图所见的本来应该显示星球名
- GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse, joystick and time. It is intended to be simple to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main
- When you start to program in OpenGL, you might need a decent Integrated Development Environ- ment (IDE). Being free, open-source and platform independent, Eclipse (http://www.eclipse. org/) is an excellent choice. Although officially a Java Devel