- 常用搜索算法 光盘上包括了书上提供的例程及算法,均可在Visual C++ 6.0下编译通过。 读者可参照书籍了解程序的使用。 实验素材里面提供了一些模式识别实验用的数据库。其中“数字和字母图像” 用于脱机字符识别里的模板匹配法,USPS字库用语Fisher线性判定识别手写数 字。由于一些原因,有些数据库不能提供,需要读者自己采集样本。 -search algorithm commonly used on the CD, including a book on th
- 自写的一种有效的边缘提取算法,在matlab环境下,和其它算法比较,效率明显!并且附有示例图片-since writing an effective edge detection algorithm in Matlab environment, and other algorithms, efficiency significantly. And pictures with examples
- 这是流形学习算法LLE、ISOMAP在人脸识别中的应用,希望对大家有所帮助。-This is a manifold learning algorithms LLE, ISOMAP in face recognition, we want to help.
- 关于人脸识别中眼睛位置定位的一篇文章,并提出一种新的比较容易实现的椭圆处理算法。-Face Recognition in the eye position on the positioning of an article and a new easier-processing algorithms to achieve the oval.
- 在人脸检测中,使用Adaboost算法在一幅图像中检测出人脸具有比以往算法都要高的效率,这几篇论文是有关Adaboost方面的-Human Face Detection in the use of Adaboost algorithm in an image detected with people face higher than the efficiency of algorithms, this thesis is related to several aspects of Adaboos
- Peak test and finding algorithms included in the pdf file. Find peaks in some series of data and show them. PDF file.
- 五种边缘检测算子的实现,函数具有很好的通用性,凡是能够得到只想图像像素区指针的情况都可以使用。 配合我上传的那个opentrim使用更好,这是一个bmp全色深操作类,里边还集成了一些其他的机器视觉算法。 对图像进行高斯——拉普拉斯算子的边缘检测 对图像进行拉普拉斯算子的边缘检测 对图像进行罗伯特交叉算子的边缘检测 对图像进行蒲瑞维特算子的边缘检测 对图像进行索贝尔算子的边缘检测-5 kinds of edge detection operator to achieve
- 图像变化检测算法,由t检验得到差分图像的变化掩膜。左后成功检测到图像中运动的物体。-Image change detection algorithms have been tested by the t change difference image mask. Left a successful campaign to detect objects in images.
- 一篇很优秀的关于图像边缘检测和特征提取算法的博士论文,文中介绍了不少有益的算法。-On a very good edge detection and feature extraction algorithm doctoral dissertation, In this paper, many useful algorithms.
- 《Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems》这是一本有关多目标进化的非常值得一看的书,里面有测试标准,测试函数等内容-The solving of multi-objective problems (MOPs) has been a continuing effort by humans in many diverse areas, including computer science, engineering, e
- 突变信号检测,经典书籍,介绍常用的算法和公式-Mutation signal detection, classic books, algorithms and formulas commonly used in
- Cognitive radio frequency spectrum detection-The spectrum sensing of a wideband frequency range is studied by dividing it into multiple subbands. It is assumed that in each subband either a primary user (PU) is active or absent in a additive white
- 本人收集的人脸识别最新资料,从08年到09年,包含各种人脸识别的优秀算法,PCA,HMM,2DPCA,KDDA,一共20个文件,需要安装CAJ阅读器阅读,是不可多的学习和研究的参考资料(不是源码,算法详细)-I gather the latest information for face recognition, from 2008 to 2009, contains an excellent variety of face recognition algorithms, PCA, HMM, 2
- 基于统计的模式识别工具包The core of the STPRtool is comprised of statistical PR algorithms described in the monograph Schlesinger, M.I., Hlav′aˇc, V: Ten Lectures on Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002-Statistical
- 摘要:主成分分析(PCA)的人脸识别算法,以减少的特征向量是涉及到对抽象的特点,改进了主成分分析(一)iUumination算法的变化影响酶原sed.The方法是基于上减低与正常化其相应的标准差的特征向量元素相关联的大特征值的特征向量的影响力的想法。耶鲁大学和耶鲁大学面临的数据库面对数据库B是用来验证-Abstract:In principal component analysis(PCA)algorithms for face recognition,to reduce the influen
- Zhang Jianguo总结的图像分类检测算法对比经典文章,非常适合初学者学习-Survey of algorithms in classification and detection
- 国外著名大学成功的人脸检测识别算法中的眨眼检测-The success of famous overseas universities face detection and recognition algorithms in the blink detection
- 车牌自动识别系统(ANPR)源代码,这个项目涉及了人工智能、机器视觉和神经网络等领域,实现一个车牌自动识别系统(ANPR)。它包括了一系列的数学算法原理,以保证数字车牌的检测与提取、字母分割、归一化和识别。 -Automatic License Plate Recognition System (ANPR) source code, this project involves the artificial intelligence, machine vision and neural netwo
- 分析图像,使用pixval函数来获得牌照的背景色的亮度值和坐标;通过统计的算法找出车牌的范围;通过修剪得到最终图像。-Analysis of images, a function to obtain a license to use pixval background color brightness values and coordinates through statistical algorithms to identify the scope of the
- matlab实现模式识别中的几乎所有算法,希望能为模式识别初学者提供帮助-Matlab implementation of almost all algorithms in pattern recognition, hope to help beginners to pattern recognition