- Image Compression A collection of simple routines for image compression using different techniques. 图象压缩的不同方法 BTCODE: Image compression Using Block Truncation Coding. PYRAMID: Image compression based on Gaussian Pyramids. DCTC
- This package contains some MatLab tools for multi-scale image processing. Briefly, the tools include: - Recursive multi-scale image decompositions (pyramids), including Laplacian pyramids, QMFs, Wavelets, and steerable pyramids. These oper
- these codes read input image and generate the 2D gabor filters, with changeable scale, orientation, perform the convolution with input image.
- image segmentaion for LPR
- This source code is a one file implementation of 2d correlation and convolution. Using the basic difference between correlation and convolution this code correlates or convolves a given 2d matrix with a square window matrix (another 2d matrix) in a
- 一系列展示图像压缩技术的源代码。包括有:使用块截断编码的图像压缩(Block Truncation)、基于高斯金字塔变换的图像压缩(Gaussian Pyramids)、基于离散余弦变换对图像压缩(Discrete Cosine Transform)、基于奇异值分解(SVD)的图像压缩(Singular Value Decomposition)。给出的代码还可以用于2D图像噪声消除。-Image Compression A collection of simple routines
- convolution in 2D c++ allow you to blur, denoise image
- 二维线性调频信号的脉冲压缩,在频域求时域卷积(The pulse compression of 2D linear frequency modulation signals for time-domain convolution in frequency domain)
Frequency Filtering
- The reason for doing the filtering in the frequency domain is generally because it is computationally faster to perform two 2D Fourier transforms and a filter multiply than to perform a convolution in the image (spatial) domain. This is particularly