- 开发工具是vc,功能是压缩,源码有些复杂,请多多指教-development tool vc, the function is reduced, some complex source, exhibitions
- G.711 G.72 3声音压缩标准压缩、解压代码-G.711 G.72 3 voice compression standard compression, decompression code
- g.711 g.72 3 g.724 标准 语音压缩编码解码的原码
- matlab在物理化学科学的应用,有相关的统计分析和聚类模型
- 北京大学ACM比赛题目 Write a program to read four lines of upper case (i.e., all CAPITAL LETTERS) text input (no more than 72 characters per line) from the input file and print a vertical histogram that shows how many times each letter (but not blanks, digi
- 音频ADPCM编解码器,采用标准C语言编程,实现G.711,G.72 3,16K,24K,32K算法
- G.711G.72 3压缩源码,希望对大家有所帮助。
- 采用NLJ随机搜索的方法辨识一个以状态方法表示的非线性系统。选其初值 a1(0) =50 , a2(0) =100 , a3(0) =100 , a4(0) =50 , a5(0) =10 , 选范围为 r(1)(i)=0.5 a(0)(i) , 取数据长度 L =40, t =0.005 , 性能指标 J= 。迭代计算结果得 a 的估计值 1=17.6043243, 1=17.5977, 2=72.9573, 3=51.3014, 4=22.9889, 5=5.99965, J = 0.000
- 考虑由下列数所组成的表。你的工作是删去尽可能少的数使得留下来的数以升序排列 9 44 32 12 7 42 34 92 35 37 41 8 20 27 83 64 61 28 39 93 29 17 13 14 55 21 66 72 23 73 99 1 2 88 77 3 65 83 84 62 5 11 74 68 76 78 67 75 69 70 22 71 24 25 26-Considered integers consist of the following table.
- Basics of Quantum Computation 1 What is the point in Quantum Computation 1 1.1 Preview 1 1.2 A First View of the Advantages 5 1.3 Is Physics Nothing Else But Computation ? 12 2 First Quantum Computations 15 2.1 Quantum Bits, or Qubits 15
- CNN Class, ver 0.72. Change log: Ver 0.72: Sample GUI added, demonstrating use of convolutional network for handwriten digits recognition. Training runs 20 faster. Ver 0.71: Bug fix: training was stoped after 1 epoch. Ver 0.70:
- 采用对策略空间随机取点的方法对该POMDP问题进行求解-Perseus: Randomized Point-based Value Iteration for POMDPs
- LMS源代码程序,自适应信号处理,王永德翻译一书72页仿真程序-LMS source code program, adaptive signal processing, translation of a book 72 s Acoustic Simulation Program
- Vim用户手册中文版72,非常好的VIM使用手册,方便辅助开发-Vim user manual Chinese version of VIM 72 very good manual, easy to supporting development
- libdmtx is a software library that enables programs to read and write Data Matrix barcodes of the modern ECC200 variety.
- Euler工程,相邻元素乘积最大。 给了一个20x20的两位数矩阵,其中的红字部分的积为: 26x63x78x14=1788696 那么,任意方向上(上、下、左、右、对角)4个相邻的数的最大乘积是多少?-In the 20x20 grid below, four numbers along a diagonal line have been marked in red. 08 02 22 97 38 15 00 40 00 75 04 05 07 78 52 12 50 7
- N名学生的成绩已在主函数中放入一个带头节点的链表结构中,h指向链表的头节点。请编写函数fun,它的功能是:求出平均分,由函数值返回。 例如,若学生的成绩是:85,76,69,85,91,72,64,87,则平均分应当是:78.625. 注意:部分源程序在文件PROG1.C中。 请勿改动主函数main和其它函数中的任何内容,仅在函数fun的花括号中填入你编写的若干语句。 -N student achievement has been the main function into a
- for: sparse linear programming by an interior-point method by: Csaba Meszaros ref: "The Efficient Implementation of Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming and their Applications" by Csaba Meszaros, Ph.D. thesis, Eotvos Lorand University
- 问题 输出7和7的倍数,还有包含7的数字例如(17,27,37...70,71,72,73...) 输入 一个整数N。(N不大于30000) 输出 从小到大排列的不大于N的与7有关的数字,每行一个。 -Problem Multiples of 7 and 7 outputs, as well as contains 7 figures such as (17,27,37 ... 70,71,72,73 ...) Enter An integer N. (
- 遗传算法实例,实际应用性很强 某高校某专业在东三省招生120人,其中辽宁72人,黑龙江和吉林各24人,男女大致比例为3:2,分成4个班每班30人,要求,每班学生入学平均分尽量相同,男女比例尽量相同,三省比例尽可能3:1:1,传统方法几乎无法解决这个问题,而遗传算法几乎可以得到最优解-Instance of the genetic algorithm