estimate the BER of BPSK over 1x2 Rayleigh channel as a function of the correlation between the channels.
This MATLAB programme simulates a BPSK communication channel and generates the BER curves for QPSK detection in AWGN and
Rayleigh Fading wireless channels and superposes the manalytical curves over them
Bit error rate performance of BPSK over Rayleigh fading wireless channel
and its comparison with ber of BPSK transmission over AWGN channel.- Bit error rate performance of BPSK over Rayleigh fading wireless channel
and its comparison wit
以BPSK调制方式的DS-CDMA通过Rayleigh信道, 并以decorrealtion detection 进行detect所得到的的BER特性图-The BER performance of BPSK for DS- CDMA over Rayleigh channel, detected by decorrelation detection
The simulated and theoretical performance curves (Eb/NO vs. BER) for BPSK modulation over
Rayleigh Fading channel and the AWGN