- 看标题就明白了~! 是一个注册机来的,不过,我不知道能不能上载,这是我第一次上载东西,希望大家支持~!-can understand the title on ~! RI is the one, but I do not know whether or not available, This is the first time I set out on things that we support ~!
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- matlab混沌工具箱,包括C_C方法,wolf计算最大Lyapunov指数法等,不同于陆振波的,本工具箱中的函数均可见,完全免费版本,Chaos matlab toolbox, including C_C methods, wolf calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent method, etc., unlike the陆振波, the toolbox function are visible, completely free version
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- 计算如下公式,并输出结果: 其中r,s的值是由键盘输入的。Sinx的近似值用泰勒公式计算;计算精度为0.000001 。 运行环境:C-Free ,The following calculation formula, and output results: one of r, s the value is entered by the keyboard. Taylor approximation Sinx formula used 0.000001 accuracy of
- VRP问题蚁群算法的c++源码,很具有代表性-VRP problem of the ant colony algorithm c++ source code, it is a representative
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- Algo3-5.c C program for implementing Algorithm 3.5 Algorithm translated to C by: Dr. Norman Fahrer IBM and Macintosh verification by: Daniel Mathews NUMERICAL METHODS: C Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 To accompany the text: NU
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- 一球从100m高度自由落下,每次落地后反弹回原高度的一半,在落下,求他再第十次落地时,共经过多少米?第十次反弹多高?-A ball from a height of 100m free fall, bounced back after each fall to half the original height, in the fall, seeking him to the tenth floor, the total, how many meters? How high the tenth b
- C++动态链表实现约瑟夫圈(可自由输入任意人数,从任意人开始)-C++ dynamically linked list Joseph ring (free input any number of any person from the beginning)
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- 用c语言模拟的一维FDTD,采用mur边界条件,高斯脉冲源,分析传播场的辐射场。已经调试过,放心下载使用。对初学者极具参考价值。-Using c language simulation of the one dimensional FDTD, USES the mur boundary conditions of the gaussian pulse source, analysis of the propagation of radiation field. Have been debug,
Numerical Electromagnetic Code in C
- NEC2c is a translation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC2) from FORTRAN to C. It uses three terms (sine, cosine and constant) to represent the current functions and apply method of moments to solve the 3-D antenna problems. NEC2c provides b
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