- This file calculate BER of concatenated code. RS+Convolutional-This file calculate BER of concatenated code. RS+Convolutional
- this code is simulates parallel concatenated convolutional codes using turbo decoding-this code is simulates parallel concatenated convolutional codes using turbo decoding
- 针对通信中的数据传输系统存在随机干扰和突发干扰而使接收端收到误码的问题,提出了RS+交织器级联码的纠错方案,并利用MATLAB对RS +卷积交织器级联在加性高斯白噪声和瑞利衰弱信道中的纠错性能进行了仿真分析,并通过使用不同的卷积深度的仿真完成其性能分析。结果表明,在低信噪比的情况下, RS +卷积交织器级联可以满足一般通信的要求,是一种高效的纠错码,在工程中具有较高的实用价值。-Aiming at the data transmission in the normal communication
- 通过MATLAB平台对通信仿真,研究讨论Turbo码的编译码结构,四种Turbo码译码算法,讨论Turbo码中几种常见的交织器,利用MATLAB软件平台进行并行级联Turbo卷积码的性能仿真,仿真评估了不同设计参数对Turbo码性能的影响。-Through MATLAB simulation platform for communications, research and discussion Turbo code decoding structure, four kinds of Turbo
- 该simulink程序实现了级联卷积码系统的仿真,能够在AWGN信道下对系统的误码率进行检测。-The simulink simulation program concatenated convolutional code system, capable of AWGN channel bit error rate of the system for testing.
- Package consists of 3 files. First, to calculate number of deletions required in a string so that no two consecutive characters are same, where string consists of only 2 characers with repetition. Second to detect if a string contains all english alp
- Five Matlab codes corresponding to the concatenation of mat files, importing multiple files at a time, down-sampling, up-sampling of a signal and finally a code which except unique one removes all variables from Matlab workspace programmatically.