- DFS非递归函数 函数功能:图的dfs的非递归算法(用堆栈实现) 输入:图的邻接矩阵 输出:dfs序列 -DFS non-recursive function function function: dfs map non-recursive algorithm (using the stack to achieve) Input: adjacency matrix graph output: dfs sequence
- 包括了图的大部分基本算法,每一种算法都以邻接矩阵与邻接表两种形式给出,算法包括建图,图的遍历(如DFS和BFS),最小生成树,从某个源点到蓁各顶点的最短路径等-Includes most of the basic graph algorithms, each algorithm is to adjacency matrix and adjacency list is given in two forms, algorithms, including the construction of map
- 设计一个有向图,建立图的邻接矩阵或邻接表的存储结构,完成有向图的DFS(深度优先遍历)和BFS(广度优先遍历)的操作-Design of a directed graph, the establishment of the adjacency matrix or adjacency list of the storage structure, complete directed graph DFS (depth-first traversal) and BFS (breadth-first tr
- 对以邻接矩阵为存储结构的图进行 DFS和 BFS遍历. -Adjacency matrix of the storage structure of the graph for the DFS and BFS traversals.
- DFS算法,我自己写的,主要用邻接矩阵存储图-DFS algorithm, I wrote it myself, the main memory map with the adjacency matrix
- 本源码实现了图的基本操作。BFS,DFS,邻接矩阵,邻接链表,矩阵变换,拓扑排序等。-This code is about Basic opereation of Graph.Such as BFS,DFS,adjacent-matrix/list matrixing and topical sort etc.
- This code do depth first search algorithm. Adjacency matrix symbolize every edge in the graph, for example adj[i][j]=1 is an edge from i to j, i and j are vertices.
- C语言,采用邻接矩阵存储,实现图的BFS、DFS遍历,源代码-C language, using the adjacency matrix storage Figure BFS and DFS traversal, and source code
- 1) 先任意创建一个图; 2) 图的DFS,BFS的递归和非递归算法的实现 3) 最小生成树(两个算法)的实现,求连通分量的实现 4) 要求用邻接矩阵、邻接表、十字链表多种结构存储实现-A) any first create a graph 2) DFS, BFS recursive and non recursive algorithm 3) The minimum spanning tree (algorithm) to achieve, find the connected
- 用邻接矩阵表示的图的类型 DFS:深度优先遍历的递归算法BFS:广度优先遍历判断从顶点vi到顶点vj是否可达-Adjacency matrix type DFS: depth-first traversal of the recursive algorithm BFS: breadth-first traversal of the judgment from the vertex vi to vertex vj is reachable
- 输出图对应的邻接矩阵以及DFS和BFS结果-The output diagram corresponds to the adjacency matrix as well as the DFS and BFS results
- 图的深度优先与广度优先遍历 利用邻接矩阵或邻接表作为存储结构建立一个无向图,每个顶点中存放一种水果名(例如apple、orange、banana等,并要求从键盘输入),顶点数不少于5个。要求分别以深度优先搜索(DFS)和广度优先搜索(BFS)进行遍历,输出遍历结果。 -Depth-first and breadth-first traversal Adjacency matrix or adjacency list use as
- 图的邻接矩阵跟邻接表的创建,遍历等,核心是深度优先遍历DFS和广度优先遍历BFS,其中广度优先遍历使用了队列,bfs写了两种方式,详情可以查看注释。使用gcc编译,-Adjacency matrix with the adjacency list creation, traversal, depth-first traversal of the core DFS and breadth-first traversal BFS, breadth-first traversal which uses