- PID控制算法的MATLAB仿真其中参数,Kp,Ki,Kd分别为PID控制器的比例、微分和积分参数。
- 里面有三个二维模糊调节器分别实现PID控制器的参数Kp,ki,Kd,的调节。其控制原理:根据前面的偏差e和偏差变化ec将三个模糊控制器FC1,FC2,FC3分别进行模糊化,模糊逻辑推理,解模糊化。最后得到pid控制器参数调节量。-There are three two-dimensional fuzzy controller to achieve PID controller parameters were Kp, ki, Kd, of the regulation. The control p
- 用matlab编写的k-dtree,加快搜索,在点云拼合中应用广泛。-Matlab prepared with k-dtree, to speed up the search, put together in the point cloud in a wide range of applications.
- :介绍了一种利用DSP控制的大容量蓄电池自动充电装置的设计。采用高频开关电源技术,给出了基于数 字信号处理器TMS320LF2407的充电装置控制系统的软、硬件设计。借助Matlab中的Simulink仿真工具,采用 在线模糊自整定技术对充电装置控制系统进行仿真,并将仿真结果应用于DSP控制器中,实现对Fuzzy-PID控 制的Kp、Ki、Kd参数的在线自整定,使充电方式能较好的模拟最佳充电曲线,达到理想效果。理论分析和试验都 表明,该充电装置能够有效地提高蓄电池的充电效率,加快
- 有matlab和vc联合编程实现kd树实现过程,附有它们之间转化用的max文件和动态链接库dll文件。-Matlab and vc are the joint programming process to achieve the realization of kd tree, accompanied by their transformation with the max files and dynamic link library dll file.
- 寻找测试样本的最近邻,可以有效的用于用于模式识别,信号处理-This is a small but efficient tool to perform K-nearest neighbor search, which has wide Science and Engineering applications, such as pattern recognition, data mining and signal processing. The code was initially
- kd-tree 是广泛用来处理多维寻找最近点的数据结构。该文件中是由matlab调用c++代码实现的,其中实现包括kd-tree的建立最近点的查找等。-kd-tree is kind of data structure which is widely used to find the nearest point in multi-demensions.The zip file contain matlab and cpp files.The functions implemented inclu
- kd-tree 是一种常用的数据结构,它在搜索最近点中有普遍用处。该文件是一个用纯matlab写成的源代码。-kd-tree is a commonly used data structure, it is commonly used in searches for the nearest point. The file is a pure source code written in matlab.
- kd树的结构和分析及其源代码的程序使用matlab-kd tree structure and analytical procedures used and its source code matlab
- k-d tree的matlab与VC混合实现,可直接使用-using matlab and VC mix programming to realize kd tree.can be used used directly
- kd树在matlab下的实现主要包含4个子函数-The following code implements a KDTree search algorithm in MATLAB.There are 4 main functions
- here is matlab code for Kd tr-here is matlab code for Kd tree
- K-d树实现。采用matalb和C++混合编译的方式实现。-kdtree provides a minimalistic implementation of kd-tree. The implementation can be used either inside MATLAB by means of MEX calls, or as a standalone tool, directly a C/C++ program.
- KNN分类器的MATLAB代码,速度快效果好,适合初学者使用。-KNN search without using any gancy data structure, such as kd-tree. However, it is the fastest knn matlab implementation I ever found.
- For those who spend most of their time working indoors, the indoor air quality (IAQ) could affect their working efficiency and health. This paper presents an intelligent proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for IAQ control. Different the
KNN Matting
- KNN算法实现的抠图程序,包含数据集,使用了KD树实现KNN(KNN algorithm to achieve the matting process, including data set)
- 这是一个实现简单的多数表决法的KNN算法。KNN算法涉及三个重要的步骤,分别是决定K的大小;距离的表达方法(一般有欧式距离,曼哈顿距离,Minkowski距离);决策方法(多数表决法,KD树法等)。本程序是采用多数表决的决策方法,距离表达采用欧式距离。适用于小样本少特征的数据集。(KNN algorithm realized by MATLAB, useful for small training set and less features.)
- 参照统计学习(李航著)一书实现的MATLAB仿真代码,代码包含main主函数和kd搜索算法以及相应的数据输入,整个代码实现完整,可以直接运行。(Reference statistics learning (Li Hang) a book to achieve the MATLAB simulation code, the code contains the main main function and KD search algorithm, and the corresponding data
- 本文件对PID参数kp,ki,kd进行寻优,以ITAE作为指标函数。 PSO 文件中有详细的参数设置和寻优过程 GA寻优与PSO寻优作为对比出现 figure1展示了随着迭代次数的变化,适应度函数的收敛情况 figure2展示了kp,ki,kd的迭代情况 ht 文件是用来画图的 问题解决思路.pdf 简要介绍了粒子群算法寻优的过程(In this document, the PID parameters KP, Ki, KD are optimized, and ITAE is us
- 模糊自整定PID控制器设计,基于MATLAB仿真实例,附上代码。(Fuzzy pid control example, based on MATLAB,it changs its Kp,Ki,Kd automatically.)