- Per gli interessati ai metodi della compressione una vera miniera d oro, oltre 70 algoritmi all interno di moduli base indipendenti consentono a questo programma di mostrare il loro utilizzo e le loro performances, ecco elencati alcuni di essi
- Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media - Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Appli
- Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media (low porosity)- Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model:
- LBE Porous Medium Flows
- lbe.c Translation of Sauro Succi s fortran program
- LBE all sun files included
- 运用格子Boltzmann方法中的伪势模型,模拟胀大平面流道中的两相流动,左边幂律流,右边牛顿流体。得出流动过程中,各个瞬态的结果。-Using lattice Boltzmann method of pseudo potential model to simulate the swell plane channel flow, on the left side of the power-law fluid flow. On the right side of the Newtonian flu
- 用Oldroyd-B模型来数值模拟粘弹性流体,在收缩管道中的稳态流动。-The Oldroyd-B model is used to simulate the viscoelastic fluid, and the resuld of steady flow of the viscoelastic fluid is got.
- 利用伪势模型,模拟混合两相分离,结果与理论值一致。-The pseudo potential model is used to simulate the mixed phase separation, and the results are in agreement with the theoretical value.