Asp 文件加密器(MyAsp) v1.2
- 文件加密 # MyAsp使用许可 #感谢您对共享软件的支持 #请将此文件放到站点根目录!并且重命为: MyAsp.license #不要修改此文件,否则将不可用! MyAsp Version=1.0 Create Date=2005-4-17 Http Address=localhost,,sw.linuxcpc.org,www.linuxcpc.org Email Addr
- DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and li
- * This file is part of DigitalWatch, a free DTV watching and recording * program for the VisionPlus DVB-T. * * DigitalWatch is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- 本文件用来实现基于图像处理和模式识别的采用matlab语言编写的的车牌识别程序-This file is used to realize image processing and pattern recognition based on the use of written matlab license plate recognition program
- very simple nonvisual Delphi component useful for shareware program developing. It uses crypted license files containing information about exe file (size and crc), expired date and any additional information. As TArtLicense uses RSA asymmetric al
- 这是一个内存分配管理的程序,用于模拟c对内存的使用-/* Prototypes and definition for malloc implementation. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software you can redi
- The QccPackSPIHT module also provides the 3D-SPIHT algorithm for image-cube coding. See the file LICENSE-3D-SPIHT for licensing information for 3D-SPIHT.-The QccPackSPIHT module also provides the 3D-SPIHT algorithm for image-cube coding. Se
- The QccPackSPECK module is a optional addon to the QccPack library for the quantization, compression and coding of data. -The QccPackSPECK module is a optional addon to the QccPack library for the quantization, compression and coding of data.
- YAHOORT Extends the Datafeed Toolbox s YAHOO object, allowing real-time data to be fetched from Yahoo s Premium Finance service. Requirements: - Datafeed Toolbox license - Yahoo account subscribed to Yahoo Premium Finance. 1. To insta
- Joan Solà编写6自由度扩展卡尔曼滤波slam算法工具包,解决视觉和机器人定位SLAM的一些列算法matlab工具包,对机器人定位和地图创建以及基于视觉的定位有很大帮助-This toolbox performs 6DOF SLAM using the classical EKF implementation. It is conceived as an "active-search" SLAM. It is provided for free under the GPL license
- * This a Optical-Character-Recognition program Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Joerg Schulenburg This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free So
- /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 artofcode LLC. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GNU ghostscr ipt GNU ghostscr ipt is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Pub
- FAST K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS SEARCH -FAST K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS SEARCH Descr iption You can find the descr iption at: http://www.advancedmcode.org/gltree.html A Pro Version has been published on: http://www.advancedmcode.org/gltree-pr
- 一个求解半正定规划的数值算法包,包括 C 语言实现的源代码和 MATLAB 的调用接口。这是目前项目发布的最新版本 6.1.0。-Copyright 1997-2010, Brian Borchers. This copy of CSDP is made available under the Common Public License. See LICENSE for the details of the CPL. CSDP is a software package f
- Michael G. Ross (mgross@ai.mit.edu) MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab October 3, 2-The Segmentation.cc file originally contained a quickSort function taken from the book Numerical Recipes in C. Recently I became aware that the NRC authors prohi
- skyline Pro的许可文件,license,最新版本6.1-skyline Pro license file, license, latest version 6.1
- license . dat file crack
- 可用的intel编译器license文件,可以使用到2025年-Intel compiler license file is available, you can use 2025
- matlab license file crack~~~
- matlab通用license,解压到license目录(The license file of matlab, unrar it to the license folder of matlab.)