- matlab 绘图 绘图函数:plot,plot3,mesh 函数的用法简单图形标注,简单颜色设定-Drawing matlab function: plot, plot3, mesh function marking the use of simple graphics, simple color settings
- 基于MATLAB的数学图形制作 过具体实例研究MATLAB绘制二维图形和三维图形的plot、ezplot、mesh、surf、ezmesh、ezsurf、 plot3等几个作图函数,说明它们的使用方法和技巧。-MATLAB-based graphical mathematical study of the production of any specific examples of MATLAB graphics drawing two-dimensional and three-dim
- Generate a 3D point plot of L=(x,y,z) using the values in the vector c to determine the color of each point. If c is empty, then z (column 3 of L) is used to color the plot. The data points are sorted so that plot3 is only called once for each
- matlab中meshgrid命令的详解,以及plot3、mesh、surf、surfc、surfl、waterfall等命令的用法-The explanation of meshgrid command in matlab, and the usage of plot3, mesh, surf, surfc, surfl, waterfall and other commands
- 用于matlab绘制学习与使用:三维图形绘制plot3/mesh/surf(For matlab rendering learning and use: 3D graphics rendering plot3/mesh/surf.)