Masking example Matlab_smlk
- Example of using RTW toolbox to generate a S-Function/ C/C++ source code for a masked block in simulink
- Masked textBox control
- In numerous application areas, including biomedical engineering, radar, sonar and digital communi- cations, the goal is to extract a useful signal corrupted by interferences and noises. Noise/interference removal is facilitated when multiple sens
- This program takes a color monochrome image and lets the user interactively/manually threshold the monochrome image, or a single color band of a color image, via sliders to set the maximum and minimum thresholds. The thresholded image is a binary ima
- masked subsystem of DC motor under matlab simulink
- Produce an IBM (ideal binary mask) processed mixture. The first variable is required. When the second variable is not provided the function returns an all-one masked signal.