opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
- hartigans Sequential Leader Clustering Algorithm in terms of OpenCV (ver.1.1) Sequential Leader algorithm: Hartigan, J. A. (1975), Clustering Algorithms. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY. 1. Select maximum cluster "radius" 2
- DeepLearnToolbox_CNN_lzbV2.0 深度学习,卷积神经网络,Matlab工具箱 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusberg
- CNN - 主程序 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox 作者:陆振波 电子