- 完整的jpeg encoder verilog code,DCT部分採用1991 IEEE transection paper,利用skew circular convolution來實現精簡電路-complete jpeg encoder Verilog code, DCT is partly based on the IEEE 1991 transection paper, using skew circular convolutions to achieve streamlining ci
Geochem 数据集基本统计参数计算
- 数据集基本统计参数计算,例如平均值、均方差、最大值、最小值、1/4分位值、2/4分位值、3/4分位值、峰度系数、偏度系数、异常下限等。使用迭代算法实现。-A program for statistic parameters from a dataset, such as the means, STD variation, MinX, MaxX, 1/4 quatitile, 2/4 quatitile, 3/4 quatitile, Kut. and Skew. coefficients, th
- 利用matlab程式進行對灰階圖片的縮放,歪斜,平移等動作,另外提供指令版本。-Matlab program for the use of pairs of gray-scale image scaling, skew, translation etc, and also offers instruction version.
- this program will make skew correction of character
- Automatic skew detection for digital documents
- Simulation for Skew for Optical Fibers. In separate files are the fiber specifications.
- This work deals with problematic from field of artificial intelligence, machine vision and neural networks in construction of an automatic number plate recognition system (ANPR). This problematic includes mathematical principles and algorithms, w
- Based on digital image processing,develop a simulation program for car plate character segmentation, which is required to have image input, image preprocessing, image segmentation and morphology filter functions.to obtain a good result for segmentati
- 包含图像配准的基本操作,可以进行两幅图像的基本配准,从歪斜的图像恢复至正确的图像-Contains the basic operation of image registration, two images can be the basic registration, the images from the skew to the right of the image restoration
- hough transform that enable u to do skew correction.
- how to make skew fixed ya
- 课程设计要求 0 实验一 基于模板匹配的字符识别 1 实验二 基于C均值算法的车辆检测与跟踪 3 实验三 水果分类系统设计 5 实验四 基于遗传算法的图像歪斜校准 6 实验五 基于BP网络的函数逼近 9 实验六 空调模糊控制系统设计 -Curriculum design requires 0 Experimental one based on template matching character recognition 1 C-means algorithm
- 这类控制器在大偏差范围内利用模糊推理的方法调整系统的控制量U,而在小偏差范围内转换成PID控制,两者根据事先给定的偏差范围自动实现。-This kind of controller in the big deviation range by using fuzzy reasoning method to adjust the system control quantity U, and in small deviation range NaZhuan with PID control, both
- 生成服从不同偏态分布的随机数,可以随意设定偏态值,生成需要的分布-skew distribution generating code, source code for different skew distribution
- 主要仿真了基于物理层的时钟同步的仿真,耦合作用下,基于O.Simeone同步算法的处理过程,4个节点的时钟周期经过短暂的波动后逐渐达到稳定状态,实现了时钟偏差(skew) 的补偿,达成时钟频率的同步。-Major simulation clock synchronization based on physical layer simulation, coupling effect, based on O.Simeone synchronization algorithm process no
- Hat and Vee Maps. This is a map from a vector to a skew-Symmetric matrix and vice versa.
- Design of a 3 phase round rotor turbo-alternator to satisfy the following specs: 150MW(real power), Y connected, 12.6kV (terminal voltage), 60Hz, 4 pole 0.85 lagging, 250m/s peripheral speed for 20 over speed run, directly cooled stator(water) and ro
- 比较全的信号统计特征的调用程序,包括均值MV, 均方根值RMS, 方根幅值RA, 绝对平均值AA, 偏斜度SKEW, 峭度KV, 方差VAR, 最大值maxW, 最小值minW, 峰-峰值PPV-Compare all the statistical characteristics of the signal caller, including mean MV, RMS value RMS, root amplitude RA, absolute average AA, skewness SKE
- 歪斜图像校准,使用遗传算法对图像进行校准-Image skew calibration using genetic algorithms for image calibration
- f_mn_frq is used for mean frequency of each row of matrix. skew_diagonal is used for mean of skew-diagonal elements of matrix.