C++ Source Code for the Wavelet Packet Transform.z
- Unix系统下,小波包变换的实现例子,当然,稍作改动也可用于windows系统下。-uninx system,wavelet transform example,but,you can transplant it to window with little modification.
- java实现zip文件压缩解压,功能封装在一个类中,支持中文及多级目录,可以一直移植windows和unix上使用,包中提供了源代码及代码中用到的外部包
- 这是一款最新的libsvm工具箱,能在windows与unix环境下运行
- 用于计算逻辑与算术表达式,支持标准C++,可在UNIX,LINUX,Windows下编译通过,性能优良
- 包含了指纹识别中各种算法的实现代码。这些代码的使用方法可以参见demo目录中的 例程。 读者在应用这些代码时,可能会需要根据自己的应用需求对代码进行一定的改动。对 于Linux/UNIX下编译C程序不熟悉的读者,可以参考相关的Linux/UNIX下的C语言编程 书籍。由于本章着重介绍指纹识别的算法,对于imagemagic的使用不再做详细介绍。 读者可以从网上找到关于imagemagic使用的介绍。 读者对代码做适当的改动,即可将代码移植到windows下面(主要是图像的
- 红黑树的算法,网上有好多例子,包括移植STL中的RBTREE算法,但是我试了,不怎么好用阿。 这是麻省理工数据结构课程的一个实现,我把它改造了一下,经过30-40万的数据量测试 windows/unix下都做过测试,没有问题。
- 基于matlab的mp3的读写函数Mp3 toolbox for Matlab. Alfredo Fernandez Franco Aalborg University Departament of Acoustics M.Sc. Student aberserk@yahoo.com Includes 2 functions to write and read MP3 files. It works like the commands WAVWRITE and WAVREAD. 1.- Just
- Unix下有time程序,可以统计程序的时间,Windows下的time没这个功能,本程序可以实现这个功能-time under Unix procedures, statistical procedures, the time Windows did not function, the procedures can achieve this function
- 多精度整数与有理数计算库(源代码包)在GNU 多精度库的基础上派生的一个分支,主要用于任意精度和数字长度的整数和有理数计算,也可以用于任意小数精度的扩展浮点数计算。 工作/编译平台: Linux,Unix,Soloris, Windows(VC 2008), Cygwin, Mingw
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 在WINDOWS下使用compress方式加、解压文件,和UNIX兼容。-unix compress for windows
- LastWave,开源项目,信号处理,跨平台,主要以小波应用为主,涉及图像处理和音频处理,非常好的源代码-LastWave is a signal processing oriented command language. The 3.0 version is based on the GNU wxWidgets library. It allows LastWave to be truly multiplatform : it runs on both X11/Unix (or Li
- 方便易用的ZLIB压缩程序,适用于UNIX/Linux/Windows C/C-Easy to use ZLIB compression program for UNIX/Linux/Windows C/C++
- 快速NCC(normalized cross correlation)算法实现。比matlab自带的normxcorr2 快10-20倍。在windows Unix环境下c语言,和matlab编译通过。-use Matlab on Windows or Linux or Mac OS X and want fast (exact, general-case) normalized correlation (NCC) code right now, then download it and enj
- adaptive filter Usage To make full use of this tutorial you have to 1. Download the file AdaptiveFilter.zip which contains this tutorial and the accompanying Matlab program(s). 2. Unzip AdaptiveFilter.zip which will generate a subdirectory Ad
- WaveLab is a library of Matlab routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet- packet analysis, cosine-packet analysis and matching pursuit. The library is available free of charge over the Internet. Versions are provied for Macintosh, UNIX and Windows
- 单向、双向链表标准实现代码,HASH各种操作接口代码。适用于windows/Linux/Unix等-Single-dir/bi_dir/HASH universal code.
- Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. It runs on most Unix systems, and on Windows XP/NT/9x using X wind
- 轻松创建哈希表的跨平台(Unix,Windows)库-This is a cross-platform (unix, windows) library to easily create and use hash tables (similar to STL s hash_map or python dictionaries) in C. Multiple keys and values types are provided (int, double, strings,...), and
eeglab_current - 副本
- EEGLAB is an interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data incorporating independent component analysis (ICA), time/frequency analysis, artifact rejection, event-related statistics