- This package contains a beta MATLAB version of the VSNR function from the paper "VSNR: A Wavelet-Based Visual Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Natural Images," D. M. Chandler and S. S. Hemami, published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
- ra_snr_gui.m 作用:统计不同信噪比下,五种信号的峰值旁瓣比RA和低高频均值比RM,绘制结果,参考图3.11和3.12 DFCW_RA_SNR.m 作用:产生正交离散频率编码信号,并计算峰值旁瓣比RA和低高频均值比RM LFM_RA_SNR.m 作用:产生线性调频信号,并计算峰值旁瓣比RA和低高频均值比RM OFDMLFM_RA_SNR.m 作用:产生正交频分线性调频信号,并计算峰值旁瓣比RA和低高频均值比RM PC_RA_SNR.m 作用:产
- This package contains a beta MATLAB version of the VSNR function from the paper "VSNR: A Wavelet-Based Visual Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Natural Images," D. M. Chandler and S. S. Hemami, published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processin