- AHP toolbox AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation. AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector. AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC. AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vecto
- 返回系数估计向量;stats返回各种参数估计;’wfun’指定一个加权函数;tune为调协常数;’const’的值为’on’(默认值)时添加一个常数项;为’off ’时忽略常数项-Return coefficient estimate vector stats back to a variety of parameter estimation ' wfun' to specify a weighting function tune for the co-ordination
- In this paper, we present two novel class-based weighting methods for the Euclidean nearest neighbor algorithm and compare them with global weighting methods considering empirical results on a widely accepted time series classification benchm
- 该程序用于模拟非对称陀螺分子的转动光谱。可以用于计算最大J为250的谱线,并可以对测得的谱线进行模拟耦合。-This program embodies most features deemed necessary for this type of calculation: Watson s reduced asymmetric top Hamiltonian up to decadic terms, with Wang factorization Reductions A an
- In this paper, we present two novel class-based weighting methods for the Euclidean nearest neighbor algorithm and compare them with global weighting methods considering empirical results on a widely accepted time series classification benchm
- fit_maxwell_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the maxwellian distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples. fits data to the probability of the form:
- fit_rayleigh_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the Rayleigh distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples.fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-
- 有关带有加权的矩形阵的方向图,输入相关参数即可,是雷达系统与分析里面的-For a rectangular array with the weighting pattern, you can enter the relevant parameters, and analysis of radar systems inside
- 一个天平,砝码分别为1g、3g、9g、27g、6561g,每个砝码只有一个,要称重的物品放在天平的左侧,而砝码允许放在天平的左右两侧。已知一个物品的重量,问如何称重?试编程解决。-A balance, weights were 1g, 3g, 9g, 27g, 6561g, each weight is only one item on the scale to weigh the left, while the weight allowed on both sides of the bala
- 反距离加权算法,经测试可用,有较为详细的算法解释说明,一看就懂-Inverse distance weighting algorithm, the test is available, there is a more detailed explanation of the algorithm, a look to understand
- 这个包包括了一个多类代价敏感学习方法Rescalenew。这是一个通用的方法,如instance-weighting, sampling, threshold-moving等。-This package includes a multi-class cost-sensitive learning method Rescalenew. This is a general method which can be realized in many ways such as instance-weigh
- 本程序实现多算法协同定位中第一层数据融合,将CHAN算法结果和泰勒算法结果经过残差加权算法加权代码,已通过测试。-The program co-location multi-algorithm in the first layer data fusion, the algorithm results and Taylor algorithm CHAN results through a weighted residual weighting algorithm code has been tes
- a gain-adjusted fuzzy PI/PD (GFPIPD) adaptive controller is proposed. The proposed controller first constructs fuzzy rules for fuzzy PD/PI controller with the fixed weighting. Then the fuzzy rules, which self-learning their parameters for a desired
- This function Compute the CIEDE2000 color-difference between the sample between a reference with CIELab coordinates Labsample and a standard with CIELab coordinates Labstd The function works on multiple standard and sample vectors too provided Lab
- 主要研究了比较经典的直接加窗加权旁瓣抑制技术,并利用Matlab进行了仿真,给出了对线性调频信号和 相位编码信号脉冲压缩旁瓣抑制的直接加窗加权法处理结果,得出了分析结论。-Mainly studied the classical direct windowed weighted sidelobe suppression techniques, and using the Matlab simulation, given a linear FM signal and The phase-
- 利用两层BP神经网络训练加权系数。隐含层的激活函数取S型传输函数,输出层的激活函数取线性传输函数-Weighting factor of two layers of BP neural network training. The hidden layer activation function to take the S-shaped transfer function, the output layer activation function to take a linear transfer
- 美国数学建模2010年预防犯罪的代码,利用连续加权的方法,其中需要画圆这里可以很好的利用此程序-American Mathematical modeling of the code of crime prevention in 2010, using the continuous weighting method, which need to draw a circle where you can put to good use this procedure
- reduction to papr in ofdm with Peak Windowing: The basic idea of peak windowing is to multiply the envelope of OFDM signal with a weighting function . Therefore, ~xE (t)= xE (t) f (t) where XE(t) =[x(t)] The weighting function give
- 一种加权K近邻语音情感识别程序,包括部分柏林语音情感库-A Weighting K-nearest neighbor speech emotion recognition program, including some libraries Berlin Speech Emotion
- A计权滤波器,用于声音信号的A计权滤波,需要声压信号和采样频率,即可得到滤波后的时程信号-A weighting filter, A weighting filter for voice signal, need sound pressure signal and the sampling frequency, you can get the schedule of the signal after filtering