- 数据结构:栈的应用 数据结构:栈的应用 数据结构:栈的应用-data structure : the application stack data structures : the application stack data structure : stacks of application data structures : the application stack data structure : Application Stack
- 数据结构应用,用以寻找2点之间的最短路径,有效节省时间。以上程序只是一个雏形-application data structures, 2:00 to find the shortest path between effectively save time. Above procedure is just a prototype
- matlab 用 于 统 计 分 析 的 程 序 和 应用-matlab program for statistical analysis and application
- 用C语言写的联系本,用指针进行操作,可以用来学习数据结构基本应用-Using C language to write the links of this, using indicators to operate and can be used to learn the basic application data structure
- MIT心电信号读取程序源代码 针对MIT心电数据的特点 应用MATLAB里的函数对其进行读取 显示心电波形-MIT ECG read source code for MIT ECG data on the characteristics of the application of MATLAB to carry out its function in the ECG waveform read display
- MATLAB作为一种智能化高级语言,集公式演算推异与数值计算于一体,兼有出色的图形处理和数据分析功能,作为多领域的应用软件,MATLAB的工具箱对相关学科的各处基本技术都采用了当今最先进的算法。本书共分7章,先简要介绍了MATLAB的安装及启动后,较为详细地介绍了MATLAB的基础知识,深入浅出地分析了MARLAB的符号运算功能以及绘图功能,并提供了大量的实例,便于读者自学。 -MATLAB as an intelligent high-level language, set up differ
- 多任务下的数据结构和算法这本书的全部源代码,用C实现的,包括基本的数据结构容器,引进了多任务。对从事软件开发与应用的工程技术人员具有较高的参考价值-Under multi-task data structure and algorithm of this book, all source code, using C to achieve, including the basic data structure of containers, the introduction of multi-tas
- K-Means动态聚类算法源程序 在数据挖掘中的应用-K-Means dynamic algorithm source data mining application
- Steepest descent have been applied to a biomedical application data and the component responsible for key operation is obtained
- his book is the third volume of the Handbook of Computational Statistics and covers the field of data visualization. In line with the companion volumes, it contains a collection of chapters by experts in the field to present readers with an up-to
- 变长记录文件存取类库的设计和实现及应用。数据结构大作业的题目。-Variable-length record file access class library design and implementation and application. Data structure the subject of large operations.
- 基于密度模型的重力反演,全源码!经典的反演算法-Inversion of gravity data with application to density modeling of the Hellenic subduction zone
- 本文所研究的二值图像游程编码数据压缩,就是一种具有高压缩比的无损数据压缩技术,它是应用游程编码的原理对二值图像进行数据压缩的编码技术,其编码非常简单,编码和解码速度快,因此其应用范围广泛。-This paper studied binary image run-length encoding data compression, is a high compression ratio of lossless data compression technology, which is the app
- 微弱信号检测的随机共振方法与应用研究 博士生论文-Stochastic resonance in weak signal detection method and application of doctoral thesis
- A distributed PSOSVM hybrid system with feature selection and parameter optimization -Abstract This study proposed a novel PSO–SVM model that hybridized the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and support vector machines (SVM) to improve the clas
- 改程序为一个matlab使用串口的实例程序,能够够在工程开发中提供一个无硬件测试提供帮助。-this is an example matlab program of using serial port, it s convenient to use this for project test of data acquisition application .
- 数据挖掘中模糊聚类分析对医学新生计算机分层教育的应用研究.pdf-----vb的数据挖掘,别人的文章,大家共享-Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Data Mining of Medical Education freshmen computer application layer. Pdf----- vb data mining, other people' s articles, share
- 数据挖掘技术在零售业中的应用,数据挖掘技术在零售业中的使用情况,个人感觉挺好的,值得下载下来-Data mining technology in the retail application, data mining technology in the retail industry in the use of the personal feeling quite good and worth a good look download
- 包含数据结构中栈的应用,中缀,后缀,中缀转后缀等方式-Contains application data structure stack infix and suffix and infix turn suffix etc.
TensorFlow tf.data 导入数据(tf
- tensorflow 数据集的建立方法与实战应用 数据集建立的四种方法 技巧和需要注意的关键点(Tensorflow data set establishment method and practical application Data set four methods Tips and key points to pay attention to)