- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 图像的二维反卷积,其中包括butterworth的低通滤波等多项功能-This used the same scr ipt as for butterworth2.m example。 Low Pass Filter to create a blurred image. Simply do deconvoution of butterworth low ass(divide rather multiply) to invert the result Note in practice