- 该语音聊天录音软件在运行时没有任何窗口,只有通过您设置的热键并输入正确的密码才可以调出设置窗 口。该软件可以自动录制所有通过声卡和麦克风发出的任何声音,包括来自互联网、音频 CD 、语音聊天 和IP电话、游戏等所有的声音。-Recording the voice chat software in the run-time there is no window, only through a hotkey you set and enter the correct password before
- Basicaly,a chatterbot is a computer program that when you provide it with some inputs in Natural Language (English, French ...) responds with something meaningful in that same language. Which means that the strength of a chatterbot could be directly
- 这是一个智能聊天的机器人,目前只支持英文,不过你可以改造成中文的。基本思想采用了模式匹配的方式,找到聊天的应答话题,可以-This is an intelligent chat robot, currently only supports English, but you can transform into Chinese. The basic idea of using a pattern matching method to find the answer ch
- ChatBot - Visual Basic 6