- 一个使用免疫算法实现物流调度的源代码,使用SQL Server 2005+Visual Studio C# 2005开发,可以在地图上描出优化路径。压缩包中的wldd.bak和wldd1.bak为数据库文件,将其恢复到SQL Server 2005中即可。需要注意的是,默认的连接字符串为 connectionString=\"Data Source=YANXL\\SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog=wldd1 User ID=sa Password=dream\" 初始
- 一个小型的人事管理系统,开发环境为VS 2005。前台为ASP页面,后台为C#语言和SQL Server数据库,适合作为ASP网页制作学习的入门例子。
- M/M/c单列多服务台排队系统仿真matlab代码 (1)系统数据处理准确; (2)功能齐全; (3)操作方便、简单,界面友好; -M/M/c single multi-server queuing system simulation matlab code (1) accuracy of data processing systems (2) functional (3) easy to operate, simple, friendly interface
- zemax与matlab调用程序,当您用matlab分析复杂数据时,可以利用zemax光路计算工具提供原始数据,由matlab分析,并且可以驱动zemax优化,对自由曲面的优化更为重要,此代码为matlab调用zemax的函数库。-ZEMAX and Matlab : A Powerful Pair ZEMAX features a built-in DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) server that allows other Windows® appli
- P2P(Peer-to-Peer 端到端)模型是与C/S(客户/服务器)模型相对应。基于C/S的用户间通信需要由服务器中转,在C/S中的服务器故障将导致整个网络通信的瘫痪。。而基于P2P的用户间通信则是直接通信,去掉了服务器这一层,带来的显著优点是通信时没有单一的失败点,一个用户的故障不会影响整个P2P网络。本文提供了一种用JAVA实现P2P网络通信的方法。-P2P (Peer-to-Peer end-to-end) model with the C/S (Client/Server) mode
- the newer version from HMMbox 3.2 Matlab toolbox for Variational estimation Hidden Markov Models. (Adapted from Hidden Markov Toolbox Version 3.3 01-Apr-99 and Coupled Hidden Markov Toolbox Version 1.1 01-Feb-01 Copyright (c) by Iead Re
- VARHMMBOX, version 1.1, Iead Rezek, Oxford University, MAR 2002 Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Models (Adapted from Machine Learning Toolbox Version 1.0 01-Apr-96 Copyright (c) by Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Toronto) The softwa
- PTypes (C++ Portable Types Library) is a simple alternative to the STL that includes multithreading and networking. It defines dynamic strings, variants, character sets, lists and other basic data types along with portable thread and synchronization
- 这本书的目的是全面介绍面向对象的C++编程和由MobileRobots先锋公司生产的机器人的控制类,它包括ARIA以及更流行、更通用的开源服务器Player。-This book is intended as a comprehensive guide to object-oriented C++ programming and control of the Pioneer class of robots made by MobileRobots Inc. It covers both the
- MRF(Most Request First)算法C++程序实现完整project。是server选择优先处理request顺序的算法,改进服务性能。-MRF(Most Request First),C++, code
- pioneer3机器人的编程指导资料,涉及到Aria以及Player库的使用,来龙去脉都讲解得比较详细。-This book is intended as a comprehensive guide to object-oriented C++ programming and control of the Pioneer class of robots made by MobileRobots Inc. It covers both the native API (ARIA, suppl
- RoboCup机器人仿真足球比赛11v11组的源代码,仅供个人评测使用。里面包含已经用Visual C++编译好的客户端程序,配合服务器端程序一起使用。-RoboCup robot simulation football match 11v11 group source code for personal evaluation use. Which contains the client program has been compiled with Visual C++ used in conj
- In queueing theory, the M/M/c queue is a multi-server queueing model.[1] In Kendall s notation it describes a system where arrivals form a single queue and are governed by a Poisson process, there are c servers and job service times are exponentially
- it is a project of socket programming in linux . it was witten in c language . it has two parts client and server . clients can connect to server and use some services from server and server service client. client can be more than one but serv
- 泡泡龙是一款很受欢迎的小游戏,画面简洁,操作简单容易,是很适合娱乐休闲的游戏。 Qt是一个1991年由奇趣科技开发的跨平台C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。它既可以开发GUI程式,也可用于开发非GUI程式,比如控制台工具和服务器。Qt是面向对象的框架,使用特殊的代码生成扩展(称为元对象编译器(Meta Object Compiler, moc))以及一些宏,易于扩展,允许组件编程。基本上,Qt 同 X Window 上的 Motif、Openwin、GTK 等图形界面库和 Windows
- This a source code of Matlab programming, for show us the procedure of Singele server queuing, it is known as M/M/1 queu Single server-This is a source code of Matlab programming, for show us the procedure of Singele server queuing, it is known as M/
- Multiverso is a parameter server based framework for training machine learning models on big data with numbers of machines. It is currently a standard C++ library and provides a series of friendly programming interfaces. With such easy-to-use APIs, m
- modbus TCPIP协议client-Server端源代码以及解析, c++编程。-TCPIP client-Server protocol MODBUS source code and analysis, c++ programming.
- northwest method for cost minimisation