- (1)一个理发店接待室有n张椅子,工作室有1张椅子; (2)没有顾客时,理发师睡觉; (3)第一个顾客来到时,必须将理发师唤醒; (4)顾客来时如果还有空座的话,他就坐在一个座位上等待; (5)如果顾客来时没有空座位了,他就离开,不理发了; (6)当理发师处理完所有顾客,而又没有新顾客来时,他又开始睡觉。 用条件变量实现(3张椅子) -(1) a barber shop in the reception room with n chairs, the stu
- 用C语言编的理发馆仿真技术,需要输入chair s number 和closetime-Using C language made the Barber Museum simulation technology, the need to enter the chair s number and closetime
- 一个理发店,只有一个理发师,只有n张可供顾客等待理发的椅子,如果没有顾客,则理发师睡觉;如果有一顾客进入理发店发现理发师在睡觉,则把他叫醒,写一个程序协调理发师和顾客之间的关系。-A barber shop, there is only one barber, only the n Zhang barber' s chair waiting for customers, without customers, the barber to sleep if there is a custom
- 设有5个哲学家,共享一张放有5把椅子的桌子,每人分得一把椅子,但是,桌子上共有5只筷子,在每人两边各放一只,哲学家们在肚子饥饿时才试图分两次从两边拿起筷子就餐。 -There are 5 philosophers sharing a chair placed five tables, each share of a chair, however, a total of five chopsticks on the table, in each place one on each side,
- 一班有m个女生,有n个男生(m不等于n),现要开一个舞会. 男女生分别编号坐在舞池的两边的椅子上.每曲开始时,依次从男生和女生中各出一人配对跳舞, 本曲没成功配对者坐着等待下一曲找舞伴。请设计一系统模拟动态地显示出上述过程-There m-class girls, boys have n (m not equal n), is to open a ball. boys and girls were sitting on the dance floor numbers on both sides
- 一班有m 个女生,有n 个男生(m 不等于n ),现要开一个舞会。男女生分别编号坐在舞池的两边的椅子上。每曲开始时,依次从男生和女生中各出一人配对跳舞,本曲没成功配对者坐着等待下一曲找舞伴。 请设计一系统模拟动态地显示出上述过程,要求如下: (1)输出每曲配对情况; (2 )计算出任何一个男生(编号为X )和任意女生(编号为Y ),在第K 曲配对跳舞 的情况.至少求出K 的两个值 分别用循环队列和链队列实现了 -A group of girls with m,
- 编制一个事件驱动仿真程序。 模拟理发馆内一天的活动,要求输出在一天的营业时间内,到达的顾客人数、顾客在馆内的平均逗留时间和排队等候理发的平均人数以及在营业时间内空椅子的平均数。-Preparation of an event-driven simulation program. Analog Barber museum day activities required output within the business hours of the day, the number of cust
- matlab教大家如何做出3D很炫的图,部分作图原理已申请专利,元青花瓷,瓦盆,小椅子,靠背垫,烟花燃放,玫瑰花,心形图等程序-matlab teach you how to make flashy 3D view, partly in mapping principle has been patented, Yuan blue and white porcelain, earthen pot, a small chair, back pad, fireworks, roses, heart-s
- This useful matlab code for the eye position and detection and serial communication. Used in eye controlled wheel chair-This is useful matlab code for the eye position and detection and serial communication. Used in eye controlled wheel chair
- 数学建模比赛习题根据已知要求进行动态桌椅设计(Dynamic desk and chair design)