Haskell 中文教程1-3章
- Haskell 中文教程1-3章(flw译) 纯粹的函数型编程语言。以著名逻辑学家 Haskell B. Curry 的名字命名。 最初的目的是想要设计出满足下面这些要求的语言: 1,它必须能够适合教学、研究、应用开发,包括一些大系统的构造。 2,它必须能够使用形式语言来准确描述。 3,它必须是自由免费的,任何人只要愿意都可以获取、使用和再次发布它。 4,它必须建立在大家一致认可的基础上。 5,它应该能够消除目前的函数型编程语言的差异。 -Haskell Chap
- The data files included are .MAT or *.dat (ASCII)files. The m-files and the data may be distributed, provided that the source is acknowledged in any publication and the data are not sold. Since this software is being distributed free of charge,
- c++实现的对电话进行计费的系统,涉及到闰年平年的判断及夏时制冬时制的转换问题-c achieve the right telephone billing system, which involves non-leap year of a leap year in the judgment and daylight saving time in winter when the system conversion,
- 一款电场线的教学软件可以自定义电荷多少,大小,位置等-new electric line of educational software can define the number of charge, size, location, etc.
- matlab应用在工程电磁场中,利用模拟电荷法数值计算解决工程电磁场中的各种问题,matlab electromagnetic fields used in the project, using the charge simulation method to solve engineering numerical computation of electromagnetic field problems
- 利用模拟电荷法预测线电荷和点电荷产生的电场强度,使用与工程电磁场的数值计算-Charge simulation method using prediction line charge and point charge generated electric field strength, electromagnetic field using the numerical and engineering
- simulink铅酸蓄电池的仿真模型, 能有效的模拟电池的充放电状态。-simulink simulation model of lead-acid batteries, which can effectively simulate battery charge and discharge status.
- a Matlab Simulink model of a simple charge controller with the use of hysteresis to solve the problem of oscillations it is suitable to use with renewable energy projects
- charge pump PLL matlab simulink -charge pump PLL matlab simulink
- modelisation de la MSAP a vide et en charge matlab + resultat
- 2_Comande vectoriel de la MSAP a vide & en charge simulation + resultat
- 环形电流磁感应强度的分布,点电荷等势面的分布、两个点电荷感应强度的分布-The distribution of the potential surface of the ring current distribution of the magnetic induction, the point charge, two point charge distribution of the flux density
- modèle charge generatrice asychrone auto-excite
- 悬浮充电三色灯,供学习参考,切勿用于商业用途-Floating charge trichromatic lamp, for learning reference, not for commercial use.......
- 模拟电荷法计算电场程序 ,能显示电场线以及等势面-Charge simulation method to calculate the electric field procedures, can show the electric field lines and equipotential surfaces
- 单个电荷的平面电场线与等势面,能显示电场线和等势面-Plane electric field line and potential surface, such as a single charge, the electric field lines and can display equipotential surface
- 等量同号点电荷的电场线和等势线,能显示电场线和等势面-The same amount of the same number of field lines point charge and equipotential lines, electric lines and can display equipotential surface
- 等量同号点电荷的电场线和等势线,能显示电厂线和等势面-The same amount of the same number of field lines point charge and equipotential lines, power plants can display lines and equipotential surface
- 静电场边值问题的计算,包含各种边值条件下电荷分布的计算-Boundary Value calculated electrostatic field, including the calculation under various boundary conditions of the charge distribution
Optimal Charge Scheduling of PHEV in A Multi-Carrier Energy
- The presence of different energy carriers as well as the advent of new multi-generation technologies such as combined heat and power (CHP) at homes necessitates designing an integrated model for optimal operation of such multi-carrier energy home. A