- DCT压缩感知方案,采用DCT基稀疏分解原始信号,并且重构出原始信号-DCT compressed sensing scheme, using sparse decomposition of the original DCT-based signal and reconstruct the original signal
- 用来测试压缩感知中构造的测量矩阵的RIP的-this .m file is used to check the senging matrix RIP in CS
- 基于局部傅里叶变换数据的重构算法的研究,是一种比有效快速的重构算法-New features: Switched to complex computation, fully compatible with complex data Replaced penalty parameter continuation by R. Glowinski and P.L. Tallec s alternating direction method (ADM or ADMM) New
- 行列换位法采用密钥,假设密钥是5,明文是I am a Chinese boy那么就会以5位列数排成一个矩阵。 I a m a c h I n e s e b o y 那么密文就是ihe aib mno aey cs× ,最后一行不足的用随机字母填充,(×代表那个随机字母)!-The ranks of the use of key transposition law, assuming that key is 5, is clearly I am a Chinese boy then
- Bundler v0.3 Installation Guide copyright 2009 Noah Snavely (snavely@cs.cornell.edu) based on the Photo Tourism work of Noah Snavely, Steven M. Seitz, (University of Washington) and Richard Szeliski (Microsoft Research) For more t
- function [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) KMEANS Cluster multivariate data using the k-means++ algorithm. [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) produces a 1-by-size(X,2) vector L with one class label per column in X and a size(X,1)-by-k matrix C containing the centers
- this matlab code to solve tveq problem using CS-this is matlab code to solve tveq problem using CS!!
- he files in this package comprise the Matlab implementation of a foreground segmentation algorithm based upon graph cuts, described in: Better Foreground Segmentation Through Graph Cuts, N. Howe & A. Deschamps. Tech report, http://arxiv.org/
- 浙大 编程能力测试 的甲级题目 第 1012. The Best Rank (25) 最人性的成绩排序-To uate the performance of our first year CS majored students, we consider their grades of three courses only: C- C Programming Language, M- Mathematics (Calculus or Linear Algebra), and E- English
- SAR成像CS算法MATLAB实例,从原始数据生成到成像全程在一个m文件中。-CS SAR imaging algorithm MATLAB simulation example, the raw data generated the imaging process.
- A new metaheuristic optimization algorithm, called Cuckoo Search (CS), is fully implemented, and the vectorized version is given here. This code demonstrates how CS works for unconstrained optimization, which can easily be extended to solve various g
cuckoo search
- 布谷鸟搜索的算法,其中,cs_spt.m为主程序,fobj.m为目标函数(The algorithm of cuckoo search,in which CS _SPT is the main program and fobj is the objective function .)