- 骑士从棋盘左下角出发到右下角的走法有多少种?本程序用动态规划的方法实现-Cavaliers starting from the lower left-hand corner of the chessboard of the lower right hand corner of the law to the number of species? This dynamic process planning method
- HMM的c实现,对理解HMM很有用,尤其是动态手势识别中,手运动的建模基本都基于H-HMM of c realization of HMM is useful for understanding, especially in the dynamic gesture recognition, hand movements are based on modeling the basic H
- 分别用动态规划的算法,用手工解决资源分配的问题。另一个是编程解决下面的问题: 一凸8 边形P 的顶点顺时针为{v1,v2,… ,v8},任意两顶点间的线段的权重由矩阵D 给出。若vi 与vj 是P 上不相邻的两个顶点,则线段vivj 称为P 的一条弦。求P 的一个弦的集合T,使得T 中所有的弦恰好将P 分割成互不重迭的三角形,且各三角形的权重之和为最小(一个三角形的权重是其各边的权重之和)。-Respectively dynamic programming algorithm, hand a
- 认知无线电中频谱共享的方法。是基于动态频谱租用的,运用了博弈论的原理。-Hierarchical dynamic spectrum access (DSA) has received the most attention in recent years as the solution for better spectrum utilization. In this paper, on the other hand, we develop a framework for dynamic
- For predicting the containment safety of turbochargers against failure of rotors at elevated temperatures and dynamic loading the complex deformation and damage behaviour of the respective materials has to be determined by appropriate experimen
- 哈夫曼解码 (3) Huffman Decode,将压缩档译码,还原DaVinciCode.txt (达文西密码) 整个文本。 程序执行方法 : decoder.exe codebook compressed_file de_DavinciCode.txt-Huffman decoding (3) Huffman Decode, decode the compressed file, reducing DaVinciCode.txt (Da Vinci Code) throughout
- Dynamic Time Warping(DTW)诞生有一定的历史了(日本学者Itakura提出),它出现的目的也比较单纯,是一种衡量两个长度不同的时间序列的相似度的方法。应用也比较广,主要是在模板匹配中,比如说用在孤立词语音识别(识别两段语音是否表示同一个单词),手势识别,数据挖掘和信息检索等中。(The birth of Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) has a certain history (Itakura, a Japanese scholar), and it