- 自己写的python canny算法,可以对图片进行边缘检测,要求见PPT,可根据需要调整代码-Write your own python canny algorithm that can detect the edge of the picture, asked to see the PPT, the code can be adjusted as needed
- Market Newman写的复杂网络的加权GN算法 算法用Python写的 其基本思想是不断的删除网络中具有相对于所有源节点的最大的边介数(ege betweenness)的边,然后,再重新计算网络中剩余的边的相对于所有源节点的边介数-The basic idea is to delete the network with respect to all of the source nodes of the largest betweenness (EGE betweenness) edge
- curve edge detection with Python
- 本书主要介绍深度学习的核心算法,以及在计算机视觉,语音识别、自然语言处理中的相关应用,适合深度学习从业人士或者相关研究生作为参考资料,也可以作为入门教程来大致了解深度学习的相关前沿技术(This book mainly introduces the core algorithms of deep learning, as well as relevant applications in computer vision, speech recognition and natural languag