- WCDMA FDD Simulink Models
- 数据频域分解法,基于结构的环境白噪声激励响应数据,识别结构的频率和振型-The frequency domain decomposition method, based on the structure of the environmental white noise stimulus-response data, identify the structure of the frequencies and mode shapes
- UMTS FDD Downlink Simulink Model Simulates UMTS Physical layer FDD for Downlink.
- WCDMA物理层matlab仿真程序,包含信道编码,交织,速率匹配,调制,扩频,信道模型,RACK接收机和相应的解码程序。-A simulation of the 3GPP FDD proposal for 3G wireless. The simulation can run on Simulink or as a stand alone C-coded program. It includes the channel encoding, interleaving, rate matching
- 做的很好的Matlab WCDMA FDD Simulink 仿真-Do a very good simulation of Matlab WCDMA FDD Simulink
- 利用Matlab实现的有限差分方法,这是一个m文件下载即可使用。-A simple code for finite difference method
- IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口层2技术规范: 媒质接入控制(MAC)协议 IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Layer 2 Technical Specification: Media Access Control(MAC) Protocol -IMT-DS FDD (WCDMA) radio interface layer 2 system specifications: Medium Access Contro
- IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口层3技术规范: 无线资源控制协议(RRC) IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Layer3 Technical Specificaiton: RRC Protocol -IMT-DS FDD (WCDMA) system, radio interface layer 3 specification: radio resource control protocol (RRC) I
- IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口层2技术规范: 无线链路控制(RLC)协议 IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Layer2 Technical Specification: Radio Link Control(RLC) Protocol -IMT-DS FDD (WCDMA) radio interface layer 2 system specification: Radio Link Control (RLC)
- 利用粗糙集理论对决策表进行约简以自动获取过程工业生产系统中的故障知识,从信息熵的角度分析系统知识不确定性的变化,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的故障诊断新方法,-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data cleaning
- 从信息熵的角度分析系统知识不确定性的变化,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的故障诊断新方法,研究了粗糙集理论在故障诊断中的适用性,在前向推理和反向推理的基础上,给出了针对故障点建立决策表以及利用粗糙集约简所获得的诊断规-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded
- 从信息熵的角度分析系统知识不确定性的变化,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的故障诊断新方法,研究了粗糙集理论在故障诊断中的适用性,在前向推理和反向推理的基础上,给出了针对故障点建立决策表以及利用粗糙集约简所获得的诊断规-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 利用粗糙集理论对决策表进行约简以自动获取过程工业生产系统中的故障知识,从信息熵的角度分析系统知识不确定性的变化,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的故障诊断新方法,研究了粗糙集理论在故障诊断中的适用性,在前向推理和反向推理的基础上-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just rega
- FDD链路的仿真使用的是KA波段,其中在接收端涉及到多种算法(位同步算法,DD算法等)-FDD link simulation using KA band
- The Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) is an output-only system identification technique popular in civil engineering, in particular in structural health monitoring. As an output-only algorithm, it is useful when the input data is unknown. FDD is a
- WCDMA FDD Simulink Models-The WCDMA Physical Layer Demo consists of an end-to-end (transmitter-to-receiver) simulation of the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) Downlink physical layer for several Dedicated Channels (DCH) as specified by the 3GPP standa
- 2017年0616,该频域分解(FDD)土木工程中的一个输出系统识别技术的流行,特别是在结构健康监测。作为一个输出的算法,它是有用的当输入数据是未知的。FDD是模态分析技术,生成系统的实现采用了频率响应(多)输出数据参考。所附的MATLAB代码实现了这一技术的模态参数识别。为了使用此代码,处理(趋势、过滤等)时间的历史数据必须存储在一个Excel文件(数据每一频道栏目)。检查“加速度。对于时间的历史文件的一个实例xlsx”。(In 2017, 0616, frequency domain dec
- 利用FDD进行模态分析 得到输入激励的后的频率(FDD modal iditification)