FCMDEMO displays a GUI window to let you try out various parameters
in fuzzy c-means clustering for 2-D data. You can choose the data set
and clustering number from the GUI buttons at right, and then click
\"Start\" to start the fuzzy cluste
MATLAB 数据挖掘算法,fuzzy-K-means聚类算法源代码,用于模糊聚类分析-MATLAB data mining algorithms, fuzzy-K-means clustering algorithm source code, Fuzzy clustering analysis for the
模糊聚类算法,实现对数据的聚类分析,供大家参考-Fuzzy clustering algorithm, the realization of the cluster analysis of data for the U.S. reference
自行implement的k-mean(含fuzzy c mean),可以直接於vc++針對大量數據進行分群的動作-Implement on its own the k-mean (with fuzzy c mean), can be directly in vc++ For clustering large amount of data movement
协同模糊聚类建模通过特征选择和协同模糊聚类的模糊建模方法构建T-S模型,并用此模型对数据进行测试。-Collaborative fuzzy clustering modeling and collaboration through the feature selection fuzzy clustering TS fuzzy modeling method to build models and use this model of data for testing.
使用matlab实现的各种聚类算法,其中包括具体例子进行详细说明。-The purpose of the development of this toolbox was to compile a continuously extensible, standard tool, which is useful for any MATLAB user for one s aim. In Chapter 1 of the downloadable related documentation on
模糊分类是目前比较流行的用于数据挖掘的分类算法,而Fanny是其中一种基于FCM算法,用于实现模糊分类的应用程序-Fuzzy clustering is a popular method for data clustering and classification in data mining, Fanny program realizes one of FCM algorithms, to achieve the application of fuzzy clustering
Matlab模糊聚类工具箱,内含说明书。-Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox,For Use with Matlab
kfcm,为模糊核聚类算法,用于将低维的数据映射到高维进行分类,是较先进的算法-kfcm, the fuzzy kernel clustering algorithm for low-dimensional data is mapped to high-dimensional classification, is a more advanced algorithms
本程序是以北京西洋参路口数据为例,采集一天24H数据,并对异常交通数据做识别、修复处理,用结合减法聚类和模糊聚类算法对路口数据实现自动划分-This procedure is based on data of Beijing Ginseng junctions, 24H data collection day, and do identify abnormal traffic data, repair treatment, with a combination of subtractive cl
Fuzzy clustering is a class of algorithms for cluster analysis in which the allocation of data points to clusters is not "hard" (all-or-nothing) but "fuzzy" in the same sense as fuzzy logic.
FCM算法是一种基于划分的聚类算法,它的思想就是使得被划分到同一簇的对象之间相似度最大,而不同簇之间的相似度最小。模糊C均值算法是普通C均值算法的改进,普通C均值算法对于数据的划分是硬性的,而FCM则是一种柔性的模糊划分。-FCM algorithm is a clustering algorithm based on division, the idea is to make it to the same cluster is divided into the biggest similari
可以进行数据归一化处理 已进行模糊聚类 打基础 很好的一个程序-Data can be normalized fuzzy clustering has been laying the foundation for a good program
rough fuzzy c means algorithm for clustering of data set
结合模糊聚类和广义神经网络回归的聚类算法对数据进行分类-Combined with fuzzy clustering and generalized regression neural network clustering algorithm for data classification
模糊C均值聚类,实现数据聚类算法!来源于网络,经过修改,可用于数据聚类!-Fuzzy C-Means clustering, data clustering algorithm! From the network, without modification, can be used for data clustering!
输入参数numda是分类的分类点,如果不知道可以先省略,系统默认1-0依次减小用以方便判断分割点,然后用户再细分- Fuzzy_cluster fuzzy clustering analysis, the function uses the clustering method i
Fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) with spatial constraints (FCM_S) is an
effective algorithm suitable for image segmentation. Its effectiveness contributes not
only to introduction of fuzziness for belongingness of each pixel but also to
This MATLAB Toolbox contains M-files for the following clustering algorithms
1. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM) => Yf_FCMC1.m
2. Possibilistic C-Means Clustering (PCM) => Yf_PCMC1.m
3. Fuzzy-Possibilistic C-Means Clustering (FPCM) => Yf
This paper describes the application of an identification algorithm clustering type Gustafson-Kessel nonlinear
dynamical system. From input-output data the algorithm generates fuzzy models of Takagi-Sugeno. This type of modeling is applied
to a non