- 基于模糊神经网络的模糊规则获取方法.NH,一片硕士论文-based on fuzzy neural network access methods fuzzy rules. NH, a master's thesis
- 该源码是关于模糊控制算法的MATLAB实现的,内容包括被控系统模糊建模,输入变量转换到论域,模糊规则库的建立等。-the source of fuzzy control algorithm in MATLAB, including Fuzzy charged modeling, conversion of input variables domain, the fuzzy rules for the establishment of such.
- 模糊数学中典型的卡车倒车入库模拟仿真程序,充分利用了一定的经典的模糊规则,来实现卡车倒车的模拟-typical truck reversing the arsenal of simulation procedures and make full use of a certain classic fuzzy rules to achieve the reversal of simulated truck
- 这是我自己编的从数据中自动提取模糊规则的程序,这个文件中包括了一个主程序和几个函数,能够自动提起模糊规则、合并优化模糊规则。-This is my own series of the data from the automatic extraction of fuzzy rules procedures, the document includes a main program and several function, can automatically initiate fuzzy rule
- 为缩短编码长度,提高优化速度,采用简单的3*5=15条模糊规则-to shorten the length coding, improve speed optimization, a simple 3 * 5 = 15 fuzzy rules
- 模糊神经网络实现函数逼近与分类,实现模糊规则的提取。-Fuzzy neural network function approximation and classification, to achieve the extraction of fuzzy rules.
- 模糊神经网络实现函数逼近与分类,实现模糊规则的提取。-Fuzzy neural network function approximation and classification, to achieve the extraction of fuzzy rules.
- sar is a Rough Set-based Attribute Reduction (aka Feature Selection) implementation. This is an implementation of ideas described, among other places, in the following paper: Qiang Shen and Alexios Chouchoulas, A Modular Approach to Generating Fu
- 模糊控制的DCDC变换器,模糊规则按照自己设定的,根据具体情况可以自己设定。-Fuzzy control of DCDC converters, according to their own set of fuzzy rules, can be set according to specific circumstances.
- 锅炉汽包水位控制系统是火力发电厂中的一个重要的热工控制系统,汽包水位的 控制大多采用传统PID控制方式。但是,传统PID控制器参数的整定是在获取对象数学 模型的基础上,根据某一整定规则来确定的,不能进行在线调整,难以适应锅炉汽包 水位这样一个复杂多变的控制系统,其控制效果往往难以满足要求。 本文应用模糊控制技术,设计了一种二输入三输出模糊自整定PID控制器,对锅 炉汽包水位进行控制,实现了PID参数的自适应调节。利用MATLAB对控制系统进行 仿真。结果表明,该控制器自整
- 基于模糊规则的pso算法,用MATLAB编写的,绝对可用-Pso algorithm based on fuzzy rules, written using MATLAB, absolutely free
- 首先要对样本进行聚类分析,以此来确定模糊规则个数。利用K-means法对样本聚类。-First cluster analysis of samples, in order to determine the number of fuzzy rules. Method using K-means clustering of the sample.
- 主要讲述模糊规则的制定方法,和隶属度函数的选取-Focuses on the development of methods of fuzzy rules and membership function selection
- a gain-adjusted fuzzy PI/PD (GFPIPD) adaptive controller is proposed. The proposed controller first constructs fuzzy rules for fuzzy PD/PI controller with the fixed weighting. Then the fuzzy rules, which self-learning their parameters for a desired
- 模糊PI直流电机转速控制器,直流电机单闭环,给出模糊规则-The fuzzy the PI DC motor speed controller, DC motor single closed-loop given fuzzy rules
- 主要是学习模糊规则的基本原理,包括模糊规则的设置以及模糊规则的优化等问题,值得学习与交流。-The main is to learn the basic principles of fuzzy rules, including the fuzzy rule set and the optimization problem of fuzzy rules, it is worth learning and exchange.
- 程序首先是编写2个输入,1个输出的隶属度函数;接下来的是模糊规则,一共49条;然后用解模糊函数得出控制量U,解模糊用到得规则是取隶属度最大的那个数即MOM算法。-The program first is to write two inputs, one output membership function next is fuzzy rules, a total of 49 then come to control the amount of ambiguity function U, am
- 一个模糊PID控制程序,隶属度函数和模糊规则都已整定过-A fuzzy PID control procedures, membership functions and fuzzy rules are tuning over
- MATLAB通过数据挖的方法,得到模糊控制规则,用来进行模糊控制。-MATLAB through data mining method to obtain a fuzzy control rule for fuzzy control.
fuzzy PD control system
- 模糊PD控制系统的simulink仿真模型例子,用C10_21fzpd.m为模糊模型输入模糊规则及参数后,然后运行模糊PD控制系统的仿真模型c10mfzpd.mdl。(The example of fuzzy PD control system is Simulink simulation model, and C10_21fzpd.m is used to input fuzzy rules and parameters into fuzzy model. Then the simulatio