- We often get questions about how the deflate() and inflate() functions should be used. Users wonder when they should provide more input, when they should use more output, what to do with a Z_BUF_ERROR, how to make sure the process terminates properly
- H.264标准详细图解 ,好东西不用多说,赶紧看吧-graphic detail H.264 standard H.264 standard graphic detail H.2 64 standard graphic detail, good things Needless to say, quickly Look here
- OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder. The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rig
- ZPAV(小名H265),凝集 形态,分形,模糊,小波,数字图象处理学 等数学精华, 我 感受到了她的威猛的能量,听到了她的呐喊!她如春雷, 震撼着 单薄数学(DCT+ME+HUFFMAN等)的MPEGxx和H26xx的古老统治! ZPAV (H.265) 基本算法 :V0,V6 用了 二维小波;V8 用了 三维小波;V9 用了 四维小波; P帧(ME) 使用了 小波域运动估计;声音(A0,A6,A8,A9), 运动矢量(MV) 使用了 广义小波。 Z
- H.263+编解码程序-H.263 codec procedures
- . 求一元二次方程式ax2+bx+c=0的实根,如果方程没有实根,则输出有关警告信息。 2. 将例8.3程序改为下面的程序,请分析执行过程,写出运行结果。并指出由于异常处理而调用了哪些析构函数。#include <iostream.h> 于面向对象的程序设计,是一种功能强大的混合型的程序设计语言
- HEVC/H.265视频压缩标准的最新测试代码,HM5.2版本。-HEVC/H.265 HM5.2
- 目的:使学生加深对图搜索技术的理解,初步掌握图搜索基本编程方法,并能运用图搜索技术解决一些应用问题。 要求: (1) 可使用第3章中的状态图搜索通用程序,这时只需编写规则集程序;也可用PROLOG语言或其他语言另行编程。 (2) 程序运行时,应能在屏幕上显示程序运行结果。 -Objective: To enable students to deepen their understanding of search technology plan, a preliminary ma
- 1、顺序表 Seqlist.h Test.cpp 2、单链表 ListNode.h SingleList.h test.cpp 3、双向链表 NodeList.h DoubleList.h Test.cpp 4、循环链表 ListNode.h CircularList.h Test.cpp -1, the order form Seqlist.h Test.cpp 2, single-chain ListNode
- H.264编码实现,国家先进编码,适宜研究数据压缩-H264
- A generalized Richardson extrapolation routine that can perform multiple extrapolation steps, can accommodate arbitrary leading error terms, can handle any uniform refinement scheme (e.g. h/2, h/3, h/5, etc), and can report a full extrapolation table
- 前两行分别指示字符矩阵的宽 w 和高 h(1<=w<=80 且 1<=h<=80)。接下来的 h 行每行 w 个字 符便是字符矩阵的内容,再下面的 1 行为要寻找的字符串的数目 n(n<10),其后的 n行便是要寻找的字符串,每个字符串不会超过 20 个字符。 -Instructions were the first two lines of wide-character matrix w and h (1 < = w < = 80 and 1 <
- Zlib压缩算法,可在BCB下和VC下使用,附dll工程,直接用VC可编译成dll,可在其它开发环境下使用-Zlib compression algorithm can be under BCB and VC to use, with a dll project, the direct use of VC can be compiled into a dll, can be used in other development environments
- #include <mega8.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <delay.h> #define TG PORTB.1 #define RF_Rx PIND.2 #define Busy PIND.3 #define Mess1 PORTB.0 #define Mess2 PORTD.7 #define Mess3 PORTD.6 #define Mess4 PORTD.5 #
- 1 用途:4阶经典龙格库塔格式解常微分方程y =f(x, y), y(x0)=y0 格式:[x, y]=marunge4(dyfun,xspan,y0,h) dyfun为函数f(x,y), xspan为求解区间[x0, xn], y0为初值, h为步长, x返回节点, y返回数值解 2 用途:用LU分解法解方程组Ax=b -1 Uses: 4-order classical Runge-Kutta solution of ordinary differential
- Simpson Rule Algo7-2.c C program for implementing Algorithm 7.2 Algorithm translated to C by: Dr. Norman Fahrer IBM and Macintosh verification by: Daniel Mathews NUMERICAL METHODS: C Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 To accompany
- Algo2-2.c C program for implementing Algorithm 2.2 Algorithm translated to C by: Dr. Norman Fahrer IBM and Macintosh verification by: Daniel Mathews NUMERICAL METHODS: C Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 To accompany the text: NU
- /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 artofcode LLC. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GNU ghostscr ipt GNU ghostscr ipt is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Pub
- 编写一个程序AhGO2-2.CPP,实现单链表的各种基本运算,并在此基础上设计一个主程序完成如下功能:(1)初始化单链表h(2)依次采用尾插法插入a,b,c,d,e元素(3)输出单链表h:(4)输出单链表h长度(5)判断单链表h是否为空(6)输出单链表h的第3个元素(7)输出元素a的位置(8)在第4个元素位置上插入f元素(9)输出单链表h:(10)删除h的第3个元素(11)输出单链表h:(12)释放单链表h-Write a program AhGO2-2.CPP, basic operation
- LDPC-PEG算法构造H矩阵源码程序,matlab源码程序 clear all; clc; %输入编码参数,m:校验节点数目,n:变量节点数目(注意码率R不一定为1/2) %构造任意码率的LDPC校验矩阵 m=input('The number of check nodes:'); n=input('The number of variable nodes:'); h=zeros(m,n); %给定变量节点度分布序列 dv=0.38354*x+0.04237*x^2+0.5740