band-pass-filter 线性相位FIR带通滤波器
- 用MATLAB函数fir1设计一个具有如下指标的线性相位FIR带通滤波器:阻带截止频率为0.55pi 和0.85pi,通带截止频率为0.65pi和 0.75pi,最大通带衰减为0.2dB,最小阻带衰减为42dB。分别利用下面的窗函数来设计滤波器:汉宁窗、汉明窗、布莱克曼窗。对于每种情况,给出其冲激响应系数并画出设计的滤波器的幅频响应。-Designed with a MATLAB function with the following indicators fir1 linear phase F
- 四种窗函数设计FIR数字滤波器matlab源码(hant,hamming,blackman,kaiser)-use window functions to design digital low-pass FIR filter...
- 汉明窗译码功能,采用matlab开发平台实现汉明窗译码功能,简明操作简单-Decoding Hamming window function, the development platform used matlab hamming window decoding functions, concise easy to operate
- 汉明窗编码功能,采用matlab开发平台实现汉明窗编码功能简易操作-Hamming window of encoding functions, the development platform used matlab Hamming window function of simple coding operation
- 研一刚上完数值分析,自己写了几个算法的子函数,可以直接调用,参数的含意在文件中有说明,这五个算法分别是:拉格朗日插值,hermite插值,Newton插值,修正hamming算法,龙贝格加速算法。希望能够对大家有所帮助。-Kenichi just finished numerical analysis, himself wrote a number of algorithms Functions, you can directly call the meaning of the paramete
- Here are the functions for Hamming code 7.4 and Extended Hamming code 8.4 encoding and decoding. For 7.4 code, one error per 7-bit codeword can be corrected. For 8.4 code, one error per 8-bit codeword can be corrected and not less than 2 err
- 数字滤波器的实现,矩形窗、汉宁窗、海明窗、布莱克曼窗等窗函数 -The realization of digital filters, rectangular window, Hanning window, Hamming window, Blackman window functions such as window
- 基于FFT的功率谱分析程序设计与应用 2)对实验所采集的转子振动信号进行频谱分析 2.讨论: 1) 信号经过均值化处理或不经过均值化处理的结果比较 2)采用不同窗函数时的谱结果(矩形窗函数, 汉宁窗函数,汉明窗) 3)典型函数的频谱(矩形窗函数, 汉宁窗函数,直线,阶跃函数,δ函数,方波,三角波等) 4)整周期和非整周期采样时两者的比较 5)讨论实验结果 -Based on the FFT power spectrum analysis
- 对于一个给定的离散随机序列,用间接法进行三阶累积量谱的估计,并分别用四种不同窗函数,包括Hamming窗、Sasaki窗、Parzen窗、daniell窗等。-For a given discrete random sequence, using the indirect method for third-order cumulant spectrum estimation, and were four different window functions, including the Hamm
- 数字信号处理中各种窗函数:海明窗,汉宁窗,布拉德曼窗,矩形窗-Digital signal processing various window functions: Hamming, Hanning window, Bradman window, rectangular window